Family Magazine

Get Pregnant Over 40 and Enjoy Motherhood at Its Best

By Momatlast @momatlast

By Sue Chambers

Medically, there are no reasons not to get pregnant when you reach 40 years old as long as your health is stable and your reproductive system can still handle the pregnancy. More often, socio-cultural factors greatly affect our beliefs and may deeply affect women who want to experience motherhood even at the age of 40. Although it’s not an ideal situation, the case is not hopeless. There are lots of success stories worldwide wherein age is not a hindrance if you really want to conceive. However, to get pregnant over 40 will entail a lot of factors. You must decide whether you want it naturally or with the use of medical treatments.

pregnancy over 40 enjoying motherhood

Career-oriented women feel the pressure to take a break and consider getting pregnant before it’s too late. Everything seems to be a challenge and the fact opens opportunities for fertility clinics to gain popularity. However, nothing beats the power of natural and effective ways towards a health pregnancy.

Diet plays a vital role in enhancing fertility especially at an advanced age. Remember that as we age we get to accumulate larger amount of toxins in our body and it hampers fertility. With stress and toxins, women must work hard to achieve what they really want.

To get pregnant over 40, you really need to limit intake of food and drinks that are high in sugar. The rationale behind it is the fact that it hinders fertility and health. As much as possible, minimize consumption of fatty foods since it block the hormonal pathways. Take time to study and read diet modification plan that will enhance your chances in getting pregnant. Take note of tips that will strengthen and regulate your menstrual cycle, ovulation and conception. As always, consumption of fruits and vegetables will always help. It will help flush out toxins out of the body.

Sue Chambers Pregnancy over 40 Blogger
About the Author

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By Kamila Stone
posted on 07 November at 07:09

We began trying to conceive but after 6 months we went to a fertility specialist to see if anything was wrong. They couldn’t find anything so we tried IVF which didn’t work.We only had a little money left but we agreed to give one more try
We follow a natural method <3 <3 It was successful and I gave birth on June 2 2015 at the age of 33. Just lately my husband and I began talking about trying again for one more baby

By Рагозина Вероника
posted on 19 August at 22:36

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By Лёха Шихов
posted on 20 July at 09:46

Hello :-) Three years ago my specialist told me I had little hope of having a baby, not only because of my age I have 41 years. They had not given me no hope and had nothing for which I had to strain or some alternative. As a last resort, my mother gave me this wonderful book >> It was the best gift I've ever received and I really changed my life. Thanks to this program I'm pregnant I'm very happy <3