Culture Magazine

Get a Personalised Love Song for Valentine’s Day!

By Fashion Addicted Foodies @fashionfoodi

screen-shot-2014-02-01-at-09-37-02When we received an email from Panic island about their “love song factory” project, we thought this is such a cute idea for Valentine’s Day we must tell you all about it! Panic Island are a North London band. As their day job they are some pretty rockin’ dudes but for Valentine’s Day they are moonlighting as cupid’s (still rockin’) helpers. Arron and Vinnie have promised to turn your stories into original love songs, record a video of the song and then email it back to you. And it does not cost a penny!! So if you are stuck for ideas for Valentine’s Day, this is probably as awesome as it gets….

Open for requests

So this is all you have to do: Go to, fill in the song request form, click send and that’s it! Now, I don’t know what sort of back log of requests the lads have, and I would imagine they would be absolutely bombarded with Valentine’s Day just around the corner but this is such an amazing idea, I would give it a whirl even at this last-minute. You don’t have to be from the UK to request a song, love stories from all over the world are welcome. Just be aware these songs may end up on the website and be broadcast around the world, so if you don’t want the world to know you are in love with you boss… best not to mention him (or her.)

Even if you are not “shopping for a love song” today, check out Panic Island anyway. I have been hitting “repeat” on “Temples” for the past 30 minutes or so…

If you are not convinced yet, here are some love songs North London style:

Get a personalised love song for Valentine’s Day!

Get a personalised love song for Valentine’s Day!

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