Destinations Magazine

Germany’s Election: Descent into Banality

By Stizzard
Germany’s election: Descent into banality

ON SEPTEMBER 1st the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, and her main challenger, Peer Steinbrück, had their only televised debate before the federal election. The country has since been abuzz with controversy—over Mrs Merkel’s necklace. Even though she had worn it before, Germans first noticed it during the debate. It is made of black onyx, red foam coral and golden crystal. These are the German national colours, although their arrangement on the chancellor’s neck might to some have looked more Belgian. The question was, what did it mean?At least Germans agree on who won the debate: Stefan Raab, one of the four moderators. Versed in comedy, Mr Raab, tieless and spontaneous, lightened the mood, lest the two politicians become too boring. As to which of them had the upper hand, nobody can say. One poll gave Mr Steinbrück a narrow edge, but two others had Mrs Merkel slightly ahead.The debate did, however, establish a hierarchy among campaign topics. The euro crisis ranks low, mentioned only briefly. Ditto the possibility of a military intervention in Syria, in which both candidates agreed Germany would play no part. But what really shocked—shocked!—fans of…

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