Fashion Magazine

Fuengerola Biopark | Holiday #1

By Kerysmarie @littleboblab
Fuengerola Biopark | Holiday #1 Fuengerola Biopark | Holiday #1  Fuengerola Biopark | Holiday #1
 Fuengerola Biopark | Holiday #1
 Fuengerola Biopark | Holiday #1
  I'm back on British soil!  I did put up a fight before leaving the hotel, but Creature insisted on a proper cup of tea & his own bed. But I must say, I had a fantastic holiday with my bestest friend (the fella) - Ew gooey statement! & rather than bringing you one overly large post packed with too many pictures, I've decided to write a few bits & bobs over the next couple of days, featuring some of my favorite days & sights.   So on our second day we jumped in a taxi and visited the small zoo in Fuengerola. Biopark was described as 'small but a great value day out' by our driver, however on arriving I found the zoo to be anything but small! - The park took a good couple of hours to walk around & with the weather being a beautiful 27'c, all the animals were more than happy to be out sunbathing in plain view.   I think one of my highlights of the day were seeing two of Bioparks four beautiful Tigers. Although back home I lived a mere 10 minutes away from Chester zoo & have visited it countless times. I cannot recall ever seeing the Tigers! So you can imagine my "kid in a sweetshop" grin when I saw two of them chilling in the shade only meters away from where I stood!   Another highlight of the day had to be being let into the lemur enclosure! We got an up close & personal view of the four breeds of Lemur in the zoo & at times were inches away from the gorgeous little creatures! I've been to Zoos in which they've brought animals out, for example the Welsh Mountain zoo often bring the penguins out onto the grass for crowds, but this was a first for me. having an opportunity to walk around their actual enclosure was something I'll never forget.   I guess I'll have to mention too, one of Creatures highlights of the day.. & yes this one is at my expense! - Biopark have a very impressive aviary which boasts hoards of wild birds and bats just waddling around free of cages, in which you are free to waddle with them. As we approached the end of the path & shuffled toward the exit, a rather large bird (a good meter long and knee height) threw its head back & let out an ear splitting "WOOO WOOO!"... I jumped out of my skin & stumbled backwards causing Creature to howl laughing! - He says he'll never forget the terror on my face, nor will he stop reminding me!   We finished off the day grabbing a yummy burger in the café & bought a couple photos of us taken by a professional photographer for a few euros as a nice momentum of the day.   If you're ever on holiday in the Marbella/Fuengerola area, I highly recommend visiting Biopark! It's a great value day out & has a fantastic range of animals to peek at!
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