Family Magazine

Frugal Tip: Boot Storage

By Catherine Mcdiarmid-Watt @frugalfreebies
Image: A Noodle in Your Boots
This is one of those "Why didn't I think of that?" moment!!
Now that it's summer, you have probably put your boots away? But if they droop, it's bad for the fabric/leather material.
You could stuff your boots with newspaper, but that usually doesn't work so well.
You could buy Boot Stands, but they are expensive - especially if you have more than one pair of boots!
Why not use a
pool noodle in place of boot stands? It is so much cheaper ($1.00-$2.00 at the Dollar Store). Just cut them to fit your boots - tall or short!
Idea and photo from:
All rights reserved
From our Facebook fan page:
Christina Michelle York-Rehn posted: Great idea!
Danielle Fouts posted: Smart! I hate when my boots get misshapen!
Mary Lynn Riffe posted: Good idea!
Am Grissom posted: Brilliant!!!
Lisa Ferguson Sullivan posted: I'm going to buy some tomorrow! Thanks for sharing!!!
Ana Perales posted: Seriously?! Total duh moment!
Angela Bergman posted: I use wine bottles, but this idea is so much better!
Lori Doddington Singer posted: The best way to cut them is with an electric knife!
Cynthia Carter-Lee posted: sharing !!!
Stacey O'Neill Hy posted: I actually do something similar, but I use the cardboard tubes from paper towels and wrapping paper.

Image: Aqua World Swim Noodle - Length 51.5 inches long; Width: 7 inches when measuring the border; 2 inches in diameter when measuring acrossImage: Big Boss Noodle - about 4 inches wide x 56 inches long noodles.
Shopping Suggestions:
• Aqua World Swim Noodle
• Big Boss Swim Noodle
FootFitter Styrofoam Shoe Shaper Tree
Booty Shapers Women's Small Boot Tree
NOTE - If any of the above links are not working or the freebies or coupons no longer available, please post a blog comment below and I'll edit it!

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