Art & Design Magazine

From the Sky [Sky Watch Friday]

By Shattman
 This posting is a followup to last week’s Aruba Skies. The flight to Aruba and back provided some photo-ops, as my wife let me have the window seat [the fact that it is colder sitting by the window had absolutely nothing to do with it]. The two images below were taken with my cell phone as we made our approach into Charlotte, NC. A fairly dense cloud cover obscured the ground when all of a sudden the downtown skyscrapers appeared looming upwards. It was shortly thereafter that I saw another plane off to our left, also making its approach [hopefully to a different runway]. Since I could not gauge the distance separating us, I wonder whether this might have constituted a hazardous situation.
From the Sky  [Sky Watch Friday]
From the Sky  [Sky Watch Friday] 
The two images below were shot on our return flight as we approached Philadelphia. In these images, I think that presence of the plane's wing actually improves the composition.
From the Sky  [Sky Watch Friday]
From the Sky  [Sky Watch Friday]

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