Hair & Beauty Magazine

Friday’s Letters: I Can’t Care About Anything but You

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic
Friday’s Letters: I can’t care about anything but you

Dear Joe
This is all I have to say to you this week… thank you for being born, thank you for finding me, thank you for all the hugs, kisses and time you spend on me, thank you for loving me, thank you for making me laugh, thank you for being mine, thank you for ALL the ‘I love you’s and thank you for being YOU! You are just the greatest man (who isn’t blood related) I’ve ever known.
PS. HAPPY BIRTHDAY my darling man!

Dear LC
Urgh! You have been such a pain this week – AGAIN! Insisting on sleeping ON me was probably the worst part of this week. I haven’t seen you this needy since you were a kitten. On the flipside though, it’s a good feeling knowing you love me. Even if it has to be in the most uncomfortable way.

Dear Andre
You’ve been horribly cute this week, asking for neck scratches and sitting on my shoulder while I do my blog thing. One thing I need you do is stop doing is shedding. This is getting out of control! How you still have feathers is beyond me.

Dear Valentine’s Day
Hello you gorgeous thing! And hey, props for coming around on a Friday night too. Good touch.

Dear Kikki-K
I really loved your Neon Hearts Valentine’s Collection this year. I bought one of everything, except the wrapping paper which I bought three of. You summerised everything I wanted to say on all the cards. I particularly liked the two dresses and two bow-tie cards, aiming at same sex relationships. Very nice touch.

Dear Baby Sister
You are a total BABE! Thank you for the Sephora goodies and the I ♥ NY t-shirt. It was so good to catch up with you over green tea and lattes on Wednesday morning and then doing a bit of shopping afterwards. Looking forward to catching up over the weekend with the rest of the family.

Dear Valentine’s Day Playlists
Such a horribly cute touch to everyone’s shopping day. And they weren’t even overly lovey-dovey either, which I think even for those who weren’t in Valentine’s Day would appreciate it.

Friday’s Letters: I can’t care about anything but you

Friday’s Letters: I can’t care about anything but you


Friday’s Letters: I can’t care about anything but you Friday’s Letters: I can’t care about anything but you

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