Lifestyle Magazine

Friday Letters

By Annadicus @annadicus
Dear Vegetable Soup, thank you for being such a wonderful lunch with all of your tasty goodness. Dear Cooper Hall, well it's been real but I'm about to get my keys for Ellington and bow out. I can't handle much more of this "sharing a bathroom with 7 other people" thing. Dear Kyle, our conversation yesterday got me all filled with butterflies like we kissed for the first time. I am so blessed to have you in my life and I can't wait for our future together. Dear Summer, you really flew by too quick. My last college summer just over like that. Honestly, I am glad. I am ready to graduate and move on with the better part of my life. (Kyle of course!) Dear Gabby, I tweeted you yesterday but I know you have 48,925 other tweets coming in every hour. As a former gymnast, I am so proud of how you represented our country and gymnasts everywhere! You have a golden personality and absolutely deserve your medal! Dear Water, I haven't been able to drink much of you all summer. Why on earth do you now taste so incredibly good? Better late than never I guess. Dear Paige, I am so happy that you got your scarf and love it! I was really hoping that you would! I hope that it's not too much glitter though. Most of it will wear off soon! Dear Nikki, thank you so much for getting my Passion Fruit ads set up! There is no way I could have done that on my own! You ROCK! Dear Kyle, I don't know if I already told you this but you light up my life. You really are my prince charming and our happily ever after is going to make Disney look so bad! Dear God, Last but certainly not least, Thank you for all that you do. Thank you for waking me up every day. Thank you for putting such a handsome and charming man in my life. Thank you for a family that loves me unconditionally. Thank you for all of the good things that you do in my life. Please help keep me strong this next year so that everything that I have worked for continues to unfold and grow as it has been.
Friday Letters

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