Family Magazine

for Health Nuts with Taste Buds That Love Thai Food

By Omamas @jeannjeannie

You know how you pin a ton of great looking recipes, but never get around to making it?

When our friend Kristine had us over for lunch the other day, she cooked up a fantastic quinoa dish that came from Pinterest. Turns out about 30,000 other people pinned this same dish as well.  Now I know why.  I think I had 3 servings.  I’m pretty sure Jeanne had 4.

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It comes from Ambitious Kitchen, and oh my was it a find (both the recipe and her site!). (I am eyeing her Mango and Avocado Black Rice Salad like nobodies business!)

My husband loves Thai food, Pad Thai specifically, and I knew once I tried this that I had to make it for him.

Happy to report this nutrient packed dish filled his Thai needs!

Although I changed a few things up… used a sauce pan on the stove top instead of the microwave and subbed rice wine vinegar instead of red wine vinegar (cause I had it on hand), I want to link you directly to her recipe HERE because I just can’t take any credit for this!  But I will say… DON’T FORGET THE LIME. Just promise me you won’t forget the lime.

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I doubled the recipe, and ate it for lunch and dinner the following day… it was that good!  Next time I make it, I will probably make a triple batch and add ever more veggies.

Happy Monday!


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