Gaming Magazine

Food Stamps Challenge Day 2, 3, and 4

By Dotchi Latham @DotchiLatham
I didn't realize the posts weren't posting to the blog, they were saving to draft. Sorry about that guys! 

Okay, here are the meals for days 2, 3, and 4 of the Food Stamp Challenge, with totals, arranged by meals.

Our remaining total from Food Stamps Challenge Day 1 was $34.64 and so far we aren't doing too bad. 

Breakfast Menus

Day 2 and 3 we had coffee and tea. Since we still had that from day 1, breakfast was FREE!

Day 4 we had coffee and tea. I also had a piece of fruit leather for .50 because I was actually hungry when I woke up.

Total for breakfasts: .50

Remaining Food Stamps: $34.14

Lunch Menus

Day 2 we had leftover tortillas and chicken so that meal was free.

Day 3 we split a bag of veggies from the store for $1.49 and added seasoning to it (which is free for the challenge)

Day 4 (Today), I made a pot of cabbage soup. The head of lettuce (.89/lb), 2 carrots (1 pound at .69/lb), spaghetti sauce ($2.39) totalled to $5.75. Wow, cheap deal! Adding that to my list of cheap meals! 

I added 1/2 a packet of Uncle Dans Ranch Mix for flavor and then I was torn. Is that considered seasoning/ spice or a condiment? Or do I add it into the total? I decided that it was seasoning/spice and not to add it in. 

If I was adding it to the total, my soup would cost $7.25 which is still cheap, even for the Food Stamp Challenge.

Total for Lunches: $7.24

Remaining Food Stamps: $26.90

Dinner Menus

Day 2 for dinner, we had a slice of cheese each for .79 a piece. We weren't really hungry.

Day 3 for dinner, we each had a bag of mixed veggies for $1.49 each.

Day 4 (today), we are still eating cabbage soup. We had a fairly big pot. It might be lunch tomorrow too LOL.

Total for Dinners: $4.56

Remaining Food Stamps: $22.34

Food Stamps Challenge Overview

So far, we are doing good. We haven't had much of an appetite this week though. If this was a hungry week, we would have to eat a lot of soups or something. I can see I will have to get creative towards the end. I plan on buying rice and eggs too. And if I have enough, some rice flour for pancakes. 

I'm also getting ideas from my readers! Thanks so much you guys! I am going to do a series after this for Food Stamps friendly recipes with all the tips. 

Until tomorrow!From The Baker's Acres!

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