Lifestyle Magazine

Focus On… Friendship and Your Wedding Day

By Claire

This is another episode in my ‘Focus on’ series of wed­ding blogs. I was inspired by Kristin Mitchell to con­sider wed­dings from a photographer’s per­spec­tive. Your wed­ding will last for one day. Your wed­ding pho­tographs will keep the day alive in your mem­o­ries forever.

Think about your wed­ding for a moment. In the run up to the big day it’s so easy to get wrapped up in details: plan­ning color schemes, buy­ing acces­sories and stretch­ing the wed­ding bud­get to its limit. But in a year’s time when you look back on your big day you’ll barely remem­ber all the ‘bits’. You’ll remem­ber spe­cial moments instead: the cer­e­mony, see­ing your fam­ily and friends in church, a chat with a favorite aun­tie and the pre­cious min­utes you can spend together as a mar­ried couple.

I really hope you enjoy all of these — for me they’re a lovely reminder that wed­dings are about love, and more than a giant spend­ing spree. Enjoy! Claire xxx

phil drinkwater photography

Focus on… Friend­ship in wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy Photo Credit Phil Drinkwa­ter — the bride and her brides­maids look amaz­ing and there’s such an atmos­phere of cel­e­bra­tion to this picture!

So today’s blog post is a feel good fea­ture, and today we’re going to focus on friend­ship. The images to fol­low are favourites of mine — from dozens and dozens sent in by wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers, these are the hap­pi­est, most emo­tional and heart­warm­ing images of friend­ship from wed­dings in the UK last year.

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Focus on… Friend­ship in wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy Photo Credit Mar­tin Ham­ble­ton. Friend­ship across the gen­er­a­tions — wed­dings are a social event for every­one, and these guests are rel­ish­ing the occasion!

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Focus on… Friend­ship in wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy Photo Credit Vick­er­staff Pho­tog­ra­phy. One for the boys — bit of a manly moment for today’s groom!

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Focus on… Friend­ship in wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy Photo Credit Sam Clay­ton. The brides­maids dresses are fab­u­lous, and this pose is play­ful and fun!

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Focus on… Friend­ship in wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy Photo Credit Jonny Draper. It’s all about enjoy­ing your day — laugh­ter and smiles from every­one make this image really special!

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Focus on… Friend­ship in wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy Photo Credit Simon Bif­fen. A chat with best friends and brides­maids, smiles all round and a real girly chat caught on cam­era — love this!

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Focus on… Friend­ship in wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy Photo Credit Mar­tin Price. Friends of all ages — the lit­tle girls take cen­tre stage on the dance­floor as the grown ups dance in the fore­ground… wed­dings are about let­ting your hair down and enjoy­ing fun with friends!

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Focus on… Friend­ship in wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy Photo Credit Simon Hud­speth. A group hug for friends at a wed­ding, and everyone’s hav­ing a lovely time — this is what mat­ters and a fab image too!

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Focus on… Friend­ship in wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy Photo Credit Vick­er­staff Pho­tog­ra­phy. A lit­tle love from three brides­maids and a big grin from this bride make for such a bril­liant wed­ding memory!

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Focus on… Friend­ship in wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy Photo Credit Simon Bif­fen. Mem­o­ries of a very per­sonal wed­ding full of char­ac­ter — I just love this!

With thanks for these very spe­cial moments to some of my favorite UK wed­ding photographers:

Pre­vi­ous episodes from ‘Focus On…’

  • Focus On… the moments that really make a wedding
  • Aisle moments — at the altar
  • Mag­i­cal moments — before and after the ceremony
  • Link to all Focus On blog features

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By John Youngs Photography
posted on 18 April at 10:46
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I always try to capture 'Real' photos with people relaxed and not posing.. they always make the best shots.