Fashion Magazine

Florida Strawberry Festival

By Jessicavenoy @lovelyjesscuh
Warning: Today's post is going to be very picture-filled :)
Adam & I went to the Florida Strawberry Festival Tuesday night. A town near us, Plant City, is known for its strawberries so every year there is a festival with rides, games, art shows, concerts, a beauty pageant, petting zoos, & tons of fried food to celebrate strawberry season. People like Luke Bryan, The Band Perry, Vice Gill, Josh Tuner, and so many more country stars that I've never heard of perform (I'm not the biggest fan of country music...oops!) so it's usually a pretty big deal. 
Anyway, I wanted to share some pictures from the night with you guys! And just so you know - Adam took the majority of these pictures. He has a better eye for photography than I do, plus he loves it so I let him handle the picture taking. He even edited them and emailed them to me. I love him! We put my watermark on them, though, since he doesn't have one...yet ;) 
P.S. There aren't any pictures of us together, because honestly...we didn't trust anyone to hold our phone long enough to snap a picture of us! Yes...all of these pictures were taken with an iPhone 4S...he's got skills, people. . Okay, I snuck this picture so you could see him in action ;) Florida Strawberry Festival
Florida Strawberry Festival
Florida Strawberry Festival
Florida Strawberry Festival
Florida Strawberry Festival
Florida Strawberry Festival
Kristen, this one's for you! Sadly...we didn't try anything fried. I was kinda taken aback  by the fried Kool-Aid (YEP) so we decided to walk away ;) Florida Strawberry Festival
We did eat "make it yourself" strawberry shortcakes though. Look at that face....I was telling Adam, "Don't even judge me right now,"  as I piled the strawberries on. You better not judge me either ;) Florida Strawberry Festival
Florida Strawberry Festival
 It was super windy as you can see by my awesome looking hair... And yes, I ate every bite of that. Florida Strawberry Festival Florida Strawberry Festival Florida Strawberry Festival
  And the one picture I took... Florida Strawberry Festival
We had fun and he didn't even mind that the main reason I wanted to go was to take pictures for the blog ;)

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