Art & Design Magazine

Flesh Cut Fridays with Luci Westphal

By Raddadcollective
Flesh Cut Fridays with Luci Westphal
The Insel der Jugend (Island of Youth) located in the Spree River section of Alt-Treptow, actually changed its name to Insel Berlin (Island Berlin) in 2010. But I prefer the more poetic name.
The first time I came to this island was for some goth, punk or rave party (who really remembers the details?) with my friend Elke when I briefly lived in Berlin in the early 90s. Last year Scott, Judith, Simone and Julia rode our bikes to the island, met Arturo and spent the best Easter under the blooming trees. To film this video I returned to the island with Elke. It was a very difficult and sad day for me and it strikes me now, how beautiful and serene the island comes across in the images on a beautiful, colorful autumn day.
It's comforting to think that no matter how difficult your day or your life is, nature goes on living and showing you its beauty.
Flesh Cut Fridays with Luci Westphal

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