Fashion Magazine

Flawless Looks – How Does She Do It?

By Anshulika

Have you noticed how recently the whole world seems to have gone glam, or at least has been trying to go glam?

It’s pretty ironic how we got accustomed to putting makeup wherever we go only to now witness the emerging trend of #nomakeup and #iwokeuplikethis becoming the new big thing. Truth is, no matter how happy we get with this trend, the truth behind it is something else.

Flawless Looks - How Does She Do It?
The gorgeous style and beauty icons we look up to like Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Olivia Wilde, Adriana Lima… and many others have “blessed” us with their no-makeup-selfies promoting the healthy, #nomakeup look that should encourage young women to have self-esteem and believe in their natural beauty.

In theory, this works perfectly. The reality is quite different. At least for us who only read Celebbuzz and aren’t featured in it.

For all of you who went along with the idea of celebrities actually splashing their no-makeup-faces over the internet, and then felt so bad that your #nomakeup selfies didn’t look nearly as good, you need to stop feeling down and this is why.

To look flawless, you need money. A lot of it.

Celebrities have unimaginable amounts of money to spend on beauty treatments and cosmetic procedures like laser blemish spots removal, evening out darker/lighter skin spots, face massages, relax face massages, diamond masks (these cost up to 7000$ per treatment, Mila Kunis is known to indulge these beauty sessions), Vampire Facelifts (Kim Kardashian loves these, they cost about 2000$ per session), cellulite and stretch marks laser removal, liposuction, body massages, personal trainers, fillers, botox, fake lashes made of natural fibers, brow extensions, hair extensions, organic spray tans (of high quality, not the orange ones you get for 10$ per session), high quality makeup… only to mention a few.

Flawless Looks - How Does She Do It?
With that much money, you are given the opportunity to enhance your natural beauty and nurture it in best ways possible. However, since neither of us mere mortals has access to that much money, we can settle to the quality and less expensive treatments and makeup routines that will help us look our gorgeous selves. This is how:

  1. Make beauty and health a lifestyle

As long as you are trying to look good just for someone else to notice it, you won’t feel as gorgeous as you really are. The trick to looking wonderful is feeling the same. Once you turn your beauty and health routines into a lifestyle you’ll see both your body and mind flourish. Have a mental image of who you are and/or want to become and work hard to get there.

  1. Exercise regularly

Celebrity trainer Gunnar Peterson said “Do you know why celebrities look as good? They never skip their workout sessions!” Well, let this be your inspiration!

  1. Be yourself

Don’t model yourself after any celebrity. May the celebrities be these sweet role models you look up to but let your inner self find its way. Find your path to beauty, “steal” celeb ideas on how to mix and match clothing (if you feel like you can’t do it yourself) and see yourself become this confident #nomakeup and #iwokeuplikethis person who was in you the whole time.

Flawless Looks - How Does She Do It?

  1. Invest in yourself

There is nothing wrong with investing in skin care products, hair products, high quality makeup, treatments you can afford – I always choose from Alive Skin + Hair products especially since I have a very demanding skin. Also find an experienced hairdresser… just don’t do it for anyone else but your personal gain. After all, investing in ourselves is the best investment we can make!

Become comfortable with who you are and in no time you’ll look absolutely stunning! Turning heads won’t be Beyonce’s thing only anymore, but yours too!

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