Lifestyle Magazine


By Annadicus @annadicus
  Hi there! I'm Jenn from Passenger Seat Perspectives. My blog is all about my big and little adventures in life as a newlywed, disciple, daughter, sister, and friend - come visit to see how I'm doing! A big thank-you goes out to Anna for letting me guest post for A Sweet Southern Mess - she's guest posting on my blog about fitness, so don't forget to come check it out!
  I was so excited when Anna suggested a post about healthy living. And by "excited", I mean concerned. I'm not the healthiest person on the planet. No, I'm not overweight or sick, but that is by the grace of God, because I'm a horrible eater (I usually eat one meager meal and one pretty generous meal a day), and when I snack, I usually reach for the worst things for me. If you read my blog, you know about my gummi worm addiction. Yeah, and that's not the worst of my problems.
  One of the interesting things about this, though, is that I have recently been feeling really anxious (like, can't sleep-style) and even having bouts of depression. Since this isn't something I'm unfamiliar with (but that's another blog post for another time), I was sharing these concerns with a friend. Luckily, as the good friend she is, she encouraged me to try improving my diet and exercise a little. I'm going to share with you some of the things I've learned about eating healthy recently, things I'm trying to put into practice in my own life.
1. Eat a good breakfast. All those teen magazines that told you skipping breakfast was bad for you? Yeah, they weren't all just trying make you do something you didn't want to do. (Isn't everyone when you're a teen?) It's legitimate. Make breakfast count. Eat something to at least jump-start your metabolism for the day. Include some protein and fiber like eggs on whole-wheat toast or an egg and cheese sandwich to give you energy and keep you full, so your appetite is under control.
2. Drink water. How am I doing at stating the obvious here? It's good for your skin, keeps you hydrated, and is much better for you than filling up on sugary sodas and juices. (Also a good tip: don't drink your calories.) Lauren Conrad's blog also gives some reasons why you should add a slice of lemon to your water - i.e. energy + vitamin C + digestion help.
3. Eat fruit. Other than satisfying your sweet tooth, there are lots of reasons to eat fruit!
4. Fill up. Dieting isn't always about eating less - it can just be about eating right. Health Magazine posted an article online about foods that fill you up - the list includes green and orange veggies (like lettuce, carrots, and peppers), potatoes, fish, and nuts.
5. Mood foods. Spend some time figuring out what makes you tick. That cup of coffee in the morning is probably the reason you feel jittery later and crash in the afternoon. But foods with white flour can make you do the same thing! Here's another article from Health Magazine that talks about power foods that may help you regulate your moods a little better. Also, this Good Mood Food Tumblr has great recipes and ideas.
6. Snack well. I'm not talking about the brand. Real Simple Magazine shared an article in their August 2012 issue about snacking right - getting a healthy and satisfying snack that won't leave you over-sugared and over-stuffed. Here's their guidelines for some good snackage - make it 150-250 calories, about 3 grams of fiber, 5 grams of protein, and no more than 12 grams of fat. I personally love Luna Bars - they fall in the right category and taste amazing! Also, check out this blog for 100 healthy snack ideas!
  So there you have it! I know I'm not re-inventing the wheel here. But it is so much easier to eat healthy in theory than in practice - hopefully you have some good ideas to get you started. Lately my hubby's been  making me some awesome breakfast sandwiches in the morning with an egg, cheese, and a whole wheat bagel - yum! And we've been eating more fruits and veggies. I can honestly say this has had such a great impact on my mood and lifestyle. How are you doing in eating healthy? What are some ways you want to improve?

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