Fashion Magazine

Fit and Fabulous for 2015

By Annamoss84 @missanniebean
New year, new you and all that jazz but how do you get started?  Personally I find that by not putting pressure on yourself to instantly make a change it allows you to enjoy the journey a lot more.  If you were told you weren't having any sugar whatsoever or you were to completely cut out bread, then all you'd do is think about how much you wanted those things.  Its crazy we think like this but when you know you can't have something it can become an obsessive thought.  By agreeing with yourself you're going to be healthy and not cut anything out completely, only cut back, then you'll be surprised how easier it is to stick to. 
I've put on ooo about a stone in the past year... which is quite a lot considering I'm 5ft4.  I have finally become happy as I'm nearly seizure free and my fiancé now works normal hours instead of shift work, therefore we have gone back to our early dating days of eating out and getting takeaways... tut tut.  I'm not panicking I just need to make good healthy choices and stick to it, so I'm inviting you to join me on my 2015 kick up the fitness bum! 
No cutting, just adjusting
If you love something that is unhealthy and can't imagine cutting it out of your diet, try swapping it.  For example if you love yogurt, switch to low fat. Or if you need a sweet kick after dinner, instead of a helping of ice cream or cake try mini milks - only 30 calories! I swear by them!
Make it fun!
It's not all about training at the gym,  for me it's taken me a good few years to realize this but doing something you enjoy is key.  Having to stick to something you dread isn't healthy for you mentally, admittedly there will always be days you really have to drag yourself to exercise but if you're constantly hating it... what is the point?  I discovered cycling was something I loved most.  I am lucky to have a road bike and a mountain bike (hunt on eBay for bargains) and love to go off for cycles just because I like it.  You can try dance classes or even something different like hot yoga.
Make it needed
Walk or cycle to work! You will burn extra calories by doing something that is required... you need to get to work so why not?  Another thing I do is whilst I'm cleaning I put my ipod on and dance and sing along whilst doing it!  Makes it far more fun and energetic.  If I need to pop to the shops I often carry a backpack and walk to and from, it's like a weights class if I end up buying a 4 pint of milk as well as everything else!
Little tips aside, if you look good you feel good right?  If like me you love your fashion then you can excel in fashion with your workout wear!  I've selected a few key items from some top ranges. Some of the prices will knock your socks off....
Fitness And Fashion
1. Decathlon Breathe T-shirt £9.99, 2. F&F Active Mixed Print Leggings £12.00, 3. Sketchers Flex Appeal Trainers £54.00, 4. Sweaty Betty Blue Water Bottle £15.00, 5. Sweaty Betty Malasana Tunic £80.00, 6. F&F Active Half Zip Soft Touch £14.00, 7. USA Pro Fitness Gloves £6.99, 8. Decathlon Training Bag £18.99, 9. USA Pro Tight Pants £24.99, 10. Fabletics Yoga Mat £44.00 (VIP £35.00) I do love a jazzy pair of leggings, (just check my Instagram for the numerous pairs I have) my latest pair are in fact number 2. on my list above... £12!! Can you believe that as a bargain?!  The USA Pro ones are gorgeous too.
I did pop into Decathlon last week to pick a base layer for my trail running, my fiancé would drag me round previously but we were finally there for me and I bloody loved how amazingly priced it all was.  If you're looking at getting started without spending the earth, it's quite genius!
Finally I'd just like to mention Fabletics.  You may have seen adverts with Kate Hudson? Basically a website full of pre created outfits you can buy, if you're a VIP member you automatically pay a certain amount a month and therefore get the VIP rate, you don't have to use this each month you can save it until you do.  If you aren't a VIP member than you'll pay a bit more.  I have a fab yoga top and capris from their website I bought a few months back - very well made!
So get the ball rolling, embrace the year and let's get healthy! 
Happy 2015!

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