Food & Drink Magazine

First Things First...

By _jessismore @_jessismore
First Things First...
When the incredibly sweet Halie from Penguins, Pasta, and Polka Dots asked if I wanted to participate in her link-up series "First Things First" I was so excited!
This week, we are answering these questions:
1. First roommate(s)
2. First time living away from home
3. First dorm room at college 

The first time I lived away from home was my freshman year at the University of Central Florida.
2005.  Holla!
Since I've had what feels like 28472 computers since then, I am short on photo-goodness.
Deal, mmkay?
I was in the super cool apartment in my dorm complex, Lake Claire, that got to live with the RA.
Due to scholarship monies, and the fact that I got my undergrad completed in 2.5 years thanks to some college credit completed in high school, I only lived in the dorms for my first year.
I had different roommates each semester.  I swear it wasn't me... it was the whole living with the RA, short-straw situation I was in.
Fall:  Courtney (loooooved her) and Ashley.
Ashley moved out after I caught her talking shiz about me while she thought I wasn't home.  True story.
Spring:  Jess and Amy.  Awesome, awesome girls.
Unfortunately, I didn't live with any of these ladies long enough to form those long-lasting friendships usually forged during college.  However, the experiences will last a lifetime... even if they are a little fuzzy.
First Things First...
^^Lake Claire Apartments - University of Central Florida^^
First Things First...
^^Freshman year, in the dorms.  I only found this picture because I am still tagged in it on Facebook...^^
First Things First...
^^Obviously up to no good^^
Ahh, college.
Lots of late nights binge eating pistachios and playing Donkey Kong.
Oh, and studying...
Link up your firsts below!
First Things First...

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