Fashion Magazine

Finding Your Signature Lipstick

By Masfashion

Growing up my Aunt always wore red lipstick. I still remember the kisses that lingered for hours on my cheek. However much I hated having to scrub my cheek off I always loved that she had a signature color. Through the years we started a tradition of finding stuffed animals with these big, red lips painted on them and send them to each other. It was our little inside joke and I loved it!  As I grew up and began to wear make-up I was never scared to experiment (I think I get that from my Aunt). I would try reds, pinks, and oranges and always rock them as only my aunt would. Through all of my lipstick trials I never had a “signature color” and desperately wanted to find one as my aunt did.  I searched and searched but couldn’t quite find the perfect fit. All I wanted was one red and a few natural colors I could wear daily. Was that too much to ask? While I do love Revlon ‘Love That Red’, I wanted to find a red that was a little more toned down.

My search started to come to an end after sitting at the Neiman Marcus beauty counter two years ago. While playing around with lipsticks I discovered one that I couldn’t put down – Pimpante. It has a unique orange tint but is actually really natural and perfect for daytime as well as nighttime. I was smitten! I wore (and still wear) this lipstick straight, day and night, for two years! During the day I would put one swipe on and for nighttime I would double up. People stopped me numerous times in the street asking what lipstick I was wearing. I really felt like I was making my aunt proud! Some would say that would make it your signature color! And I would be happy to take it as it looks great, but one day while walking by MAC I decided to pop in. Thirty minutes later I had found my very natural daytime and beautiful red nighttime lipstick. ‘Kinda Sexy‘ and ‘Russian Red‘ completed my little pack of signature colors.

I love my lipsticks and can be seen wearing at least one of them daily! If you are looking for a red, unique, or natural color I HIGHLY recommend test driving one of these!

Best Year Round Lipsticks-3
Best Year Round Lipsticks-4

MAC ‘Kinda Sexy’  //  MAC ‘Russian Red’  //  Chanel ‘Pimpante’

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