Destinations Magazine

Find Your Dream Job at Philippines’ FIRST EVER ONLINE JOB FAIR!

By Ethel Merioles @kaxmerio

BCH Online Job Fair Snippet 2015

BCH Online Job Fair 2015

BIG NEWS BREAKING! Online job portal BPOCareerHub (BCH) addresses the Philippines' employment challenge with the 1st BCH-Online Job Fair, the country’s first ever Internet-based version of a physical or an on-site job fair. Get online (for what, Php20 an hour at an Internet café?), submit a resume (which will take about 20 minutes), apply to jobs (for about 30 minutes), ace the interviews (for about an hour or two) and get hired in a flash! This is terrific news for jobseekers, don't you agree? Finally, there is an online job fair for people who have trouble doing face-to-face interviews (I know I've had my fair share of failed interviews because of anxiety) OR those who feel dismayed attending job fairs at locations two hours away from home at the very least. So I encourage every Filipino out there looking for a great career in the BPO industry (mind you, it does not necessarily mean a call center agent position) to participate in the Philippines' first ever ONLINE JOB FAIR! Wouldn't it be awesome to say, "Yes, I was part of that point in history when the Philippines achieved something groundbreaking with technology" down the road? I sure would like to try this new application for finding the career of my dreams (if I didn't have one already)! To join the online job fair, visit Transcom; West Contact Services; Teletransform, Inc.; Asiatech Win International; Systemantech and Cheq Systems from the IT sector; as well as Aces Call Center Jobs; Corporate Executive Search, Inc. and TechCareers, Inc. from the Recruitment Firm industry are just some of the companies that will be joining the event. Surely they won't be there just to look for customer service reps and tech support, don't you agree?  

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