Hair & Beauty Magazine

FFS Friday - Random

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
We're on holidays at the moment.

On the Gold Coast. 

Sephora opens today on the Gold Coast. I can't get there. FFS.

We leave tomorrow morning so I'll miss out. FFS.

I'm not going to Sydney or Melbourne any time soon so it'll be years before I get to see a Sephora. FFS.

Story of my life. FFS.
MIL is great at bringing us all sorts of random, useful/useless things. FFS.
The latest is the beer can binoculars. Yes, you read that right. Beer can binoculars. I kid you not. FFS.
FFS Friday - Random
Eljay decided he needed to take them with him to the park. FFS.

He was walking around the playground with them around his neck. FFS.

Took me a while to figure out why people were staring at him. FFS.

After about two minutes he decided he'd had enough of them so gave them to me. FFS.

I spent the rest of our three our park visit carrying a beer can around. FFS.

Pretty sure the looks the other parents were shooting me were looks of jealousy. FFS.

Or envy. Or perhaps disgust. Who knows. FFS.

Pity I wasn't clever enough to pretend to drink from it. Hehehe.

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