Hair & Beauty Magazine

FashionistA Custom Design Pallete

By Misspenelope90 @MissPenelope90
hi beautiful people,
today im going to show you what i picked up yesterday while i was in Worcester with my best friend :D.
haven't seen her for ages and probably wont again, so we spent a couple of hours in Worcester looking at make-up and perfumes and general just walking around, i also brought a birthday pressie for my dad :D.
so anyway, back to the product:
FashionistA custom design pallete with blusher and bronzerso i saw these the other day when i went to Birmingham and i was amazed by the products, how pretty they are and how inexpensive they are aswell, it is £5 for the empty pallete and £4 for each of the products, but if you buy them all together so you make your pallete there, you save something like £11 and it comes to a total of £10!!
pretty good going for 4 different make-up products.
(edit: I forgot to say it was from superdrug)
so you pick up a pallete and pick the different colours you would like, you can go for eyeshadows, blushers or bronzers, and any combination of them you like.
I want for 2 blushers, a bronzer and a white eyeshadow that i am going to use for a highlighter, to make a contouring kit :D
four products by FashionistA to make your own custom pallettel-r: custom design bronzer in Barcelona, blush in juicy apricot shade 6, double take baked eye-shadow in Bella shade 5, custom design blush in Milan.
so you buy them seperatly and they come in little packages, you can choose to keep them in them if you like, or you can just pop them out and put them into the pallete, anywhere you want
what the FashionistA prodcut looks like when its taken out the packaging
what it look like when a prodcut is put into the pallette
now you have your own pretty custom made pallete :DThe finished look of a FashionistA custom design pallete
now on to the pretty colours, i thought the white eyeshadow was a highlighter when i brought it but then i did actually read the back, but it doesn't matter, its still a nice white colour and the brown running through it doesn't really leave any colour just make it abit subtler with some shimmer running through it.the next one is the bronzer in Barcelona, it does have abit of shimmer running through it aswell but it isn't as obvious, i choose a lighter coloured bronzer because i am so paler, but there are darker ones that i might invest in soon.the darker pink is called Milan and is a very pretty kind of berry pink colour, perfect on the apples of your cheeks to match with your lipstick.the last one is juicy apricot, which is how the name suggests, apricot coloured, quite light so wouldn't be very good on darker skins but perfect for me :Dswatches of the four products in the fashionistA custom design pallete
so i am really loving this pallete and i think this will be a staple item in my every day make-up routine from now on have you tried anything from FashionistA? what do you think about the colours?x

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