Fashion Magazine

Family Crest Pinky Ring

By Masfashion

I had literally wanted a family crest pinky ring for yearssssss. Every time I was in London I would see at least one Brit wearing it. I love sentimental pieces that you can pass down to future generations. Pieces that are special to you and stand the test of time. I also must admit –  another reason I loved them so much was that I didn’t see them in the states. I love having pieces that are different and not overly saturated. I had looked into buying one while in London a few times but every time I did I was blown away at the price tag. I mean, George at the jewelry shop was not playing around with his crest rings. Since I didn’t have the funds to splash out a few grand on a pinky ring, I held on to the idea and waited for the right time until I could finally have this gem on my pinky.

Last October a group of us bloggers headed to Charleston. While there I stopped in the very famous jewelry store (and one of the oldest shops in Charleston), Croghan’s.  From the minute you step foot through their doors you can feel the history – over 100 years of it. The shop is small and quaint – exactly how you would expect it and everyone is so friendly. I fell in love and knew I wanted a piece from the store. Because I was in budget mode I walked to the second room where they carry a few high street brands. Since I had always wanted a family crest pinky ring I decided on purchasing this Elizabeth and James Signet ring which they said they would engrave for me. I was one happy customer as it was the perfect ring to satisfy my needs until I could have my crest ring. The ring turned out beautiful and looked MUCH more expensive than the final $120 total (you can see that ring here).

I was happy as a clam with my beautiful signet ring. It was the perfect souvenir from my trip to Charleston and I proudly showed it off at a party the night I received it. I was so pleased with the way it turned out that I almost didn’t notice when Molly, part of the Charleston CVB, came to an event wearing a family crest pinky ring. I stopped her mid-sentence and asked if that was what I thought it was? She was confused. I was flabbergasted. I told her how badly I had wanted a crest pinky ring and how British that was of her. She explained that it was actually very southern and that a local jewelry shop made them – Croghan’s. She asked if I knew of them? Wait a minute. Yes, I do! I was just there. I didn’t even realize they made them. I immediately filed a mental note to go back the following day. Who needed George now?

The next day I was at their door again asking if I could try on the rings. Out of their wide variety of different shapes and weight I fell in love with the light-weight, solid gold, oval. It was perfect. But before getting my hopes up (like I did with George) I asked the dreaded question – How much? I was so completely pleased with their pricing (very fair for solid gold) that I  knew I had found my place. I went home and spoke to the hubs about getting one for my birthday. I explained how badly I wanted it to come from THIS store because it would also be like having a piece of history. He agreed it was a really cool idea and the next thing I knew I was e-mailing Kathleen (one of the family owners) that it was a go.

Since it has arrived I have yet to take it off (which is why you see it in every post). Croghan’s could not have done a better job as it is absolutely stunning. It far exceeded any expectations I had. It is now one of my most treasured pieces. I love that it has a British feel but made in the south. I mean, could that be more perfect? And I love that it comes from a place with such history of its own. I only hope I can continue to buy from them well into the future.

If you are looking for the ultimate gift or unique piece of jewelry contact Croghan’s. They did an absolutely amazing, beautiful, fantastic, fabulous job and even sent the molds for future crest jewels. I am thinking crest cuff links for the husband next? We shall see…


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