Fashion Magazine

Eye Love You: How To Instantly Glam Up Your Eyes

By Dressmeupbuttercup @hazelsalcedo

Long before I’ve been hooked to eyeshadows and lipsticks and whatnots, one of my first love was eyeliner — pencil eyeliner to be exact. I love how with a simple stroke it adds definition and depth to the eyes. Since then I’ve experimented with gel, liquid, pen, you name it! 

For today’s post I want to show you this very simple look that can instantly glam up the eyes + short product review of items I’ve been meaning to write about for the longest time. 


Yes, as simple as that! This is my default office makeup look for the past few days. Back to basics, I knoooow! *coughboringhazelcough*


My teensy weensy cutie makeup army — High Beam, They’re Real Mascara, and Badgal Waterproof Eyeliner. These are all part of the Benefit’s Do The Bright Thing Kit I received as a birthday gift last year. 

So, these are the products I unfortunately haven’t featured much here in my blog, but totally deserve some mention! Now let’s go over them briefly… 

  • High Beam - it looks like a nail polish, but nope this isn’t something you apply on nails, but on your face. I like using it for highlighting purposes, such as under my eyebrows and cheekbones. It gives a nice sheen and dewy finish. Staying power isn’t impressive though especially on the cheeks, but probably cos I’m the oily type that’s why it fades after 2-3 hours. 
  • They’re Real Mascara - I generally like this mascara especially cos of the innovative applicator that allows you to apply the product even to the lashes on your inner corners (aka hard to reach area for regular mascaras). I did a review of this before, you might want to check that out. 
  • Badgal Waterproof Eyeliner - it’s black and super pigmented, just like other kohl eyeliners I’ve tried from other brands. But what impressed me is its staying power! Just when I was about to dismiss all pencil eyeliners as the same, this stood out! At the end of the day, I can still see the product on my eyes — and even on my lower lash line! Aside from it being waterproof, I have to say its also sweat-proof! No more runny eyeliners in the gym for me, yay! 


L- with bare eyes | R - with eyeliner, mascara and highlighter applied


This look actually reminds me of my college days (except of course, I lost weight now, thank goodness!). Fresh, clean and simple! 

Do you also like lining your eyes? What brand/s of eyeliner have you tried? See more beauty related posts here. 

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