Politics Magazine

Even Mitch McConnell’s Campaign Manager Doesn’t Like Him

Posted on the 08 August 2013 by Polliticstoday @polliticstoday

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Jeez, I don’t know how to begin this article since I’m against the usage of the phrase “LOL” but screw it, certain times call for certain measures.  LOL.

Here’s a bit of a backstory before we get into the specifics.  In a quest to show that he is amply conservative enough and to beat down a possible primary challenge from Rep. Thomas Massie (he’s in the Ron Paul vein), Mitch McConnell decided to name Jesse Benton his campaign manager.  Benton is probably best known for being the chairman of Ron Paul’s failed 2012 presidential campaign and is also married to a granddaughter of the retired Congressman.

As they are well-known for, Paulites are as dedicated as they come to their candidate.  As much as I detest the Pauls and libertarianism, you can not deny the fact that they love their candidate and mostly would only support them and not the party nominee.  The Paulites are mostly composed of younger, college/grad school aged males who have used the internet pretty well.  They also are great at typing in caps lock and yelling “WAKE UP SHEEPLE” but that’s for another day.

Anyway, Benton has been heading McConnell’s reelection bid for some time now and in early January; he received a phone call Dennis Fusaro, a one-time aide for Ron Paul.  Now Fusaro apparently recorded the phone call, which really isn’t a cool thing to do but whatever, and I guess the topic of a potential Rand Paul 2016 candidacy came up in conversation.

Well, here’s what Benton (remember the CAMPAIGN MANAGER of the McConnell reelection) stated about working for McConnell:

Between you and me, I’m sort of holdin’ my nose for two years because what we’re doing here is going to be a big benefit to Rand in ’16, so that’s my long vision.

“I’m sort of holdin’ my nose for two years” (the election is obviously in November 2014) is something you don’t want to exactly hear from your team.  Considering that McConnell is in what could be a heated primary against businessman Matt Bevin and guaranteed-to-be-ugly general against Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes; this isn’t a welcome piece of news.  It also opens up the possibility that McConnell isn’t sufficiently conservative as the conservative that works for him can’t stand it.

Now, will this make much of a difference?  Unlikely but its another piece of unwelcome news for the Senate Minority Leader who looks like he’ll have the fight for his political life in a primary and a general.

Oh boy.


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