Gardening Magazine

EUREKA - Late Night Thoughts

By Dyarnell @dyarnell
The bed across from my new Sun Garden that was here when we moved in almost a year ago is a bit of a disaster since we removed the tall straggly shrub that had been there for years.  The Lily-of-the-Valley are trampled, the Peony lies flat and invisible against the ground and instead of casting beautiful shadows the lighting shines starkly against the white wall.
EUREKA - late night thoughts 
I will move the Lily-of-the-Valley to the Moon Garden and the Daylilies to the driveway strip but am not sure what I want to replace them with.  
Or at least I was not sure until last night. EUREKA - late night thoughts I feel inspired today because I had the idea while in the garden after dark last night, to move the 80 Blazing Star I put in the front garden last year (which do not get enough sun and are struggling), to help fill this space.
Prairie Gayfeathers  (Liatris spicata) and Crimson Knautia .  The Gayfeather  might also look great inter-planted with Coreopsis...This is how I more or less imagined them my front garden.  Clearly not what I achieved. Drastic changes are required, so up them come and into the Sun Garden they will go.
The purple from the Blazing Star will act as a bridge between the blue/purple front garden and the colours of the Sun Garden. After all, they are basically side by side so a transition plan is in order.
Their placement will allow me to stay true to my plans of having my NEW Sun Garden technically made up of only yellows, red and oranges (and bi-colours!).
Am I splitting hairs? 

Perhaps, but these are the trade offs we make with ourselves as (garden) designers.
Have you made any mistakes in your garden this summer that you intend to fix this fall?
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