Destinations Magazine

Ephemeral Beauty

By Alternativeeden @markngaz

We grow Sanguinaria canadensis f. multiplex 'Plena' for it's relatively large and uniquely shaped foliage. But for a moment in the spring you get treated to the sight of their pretty white blooms too.

Ephemeral Beauty

Sanguinaria canadensis f. multiplex 'Plena'

And if you are lucky enough to see those blooms, relish them. Or even better take photos as those blooms do not last at all. They are so delicate that a strong gust of wind or heavy rainfall (or watering) can damage them so easily. And even without disturbance they only seem to last for a day or two. So many times before I've only noticed they have flowered by seeing their petals scattered all over already. It's not always easy to time it while their blooms are still intact and looking pretty. So when I spotted in the two areas we have them still having intact blooms I had to grab the camera and immediately snap them. It was then or never...
Ephemeral Beauty
Their blooms are ephemeral beauties. And perhaps the shortest lasting flowers that I know of in our garden. What about you, any ephemeral blooms and beauties in your garden? Mark :-)

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