Spirituality Magazine

Engage 360 Update

By Mmcgee4

Grace Thoughts

Engage 360 Update

Engage 360 Update

One of the ministries I have the privilege of serving with is Engage 360.

Engage 360 is just a year old, but is already having a great impact on churches and evangelism in the United States and other countries. Please read on and pray for the E360 Team as God leads. If you would like to talk with someone about having E360 Team members at your church, please let me know and I’ll forward your email to team leaders.

E360 Vision

Every Disciple Trained, the World Engaged

We desire to see a world where every Christ following disciple is trained to effectively reach and engage with those in their community and the world. Reach the heart of the person, by getting to the heart of their concerns, and doing so with the heart of Christ. This is evangelism training for the modern world.

E360 Mission

We exist to create self-sustaining, evangelistic/discipleship outreach movements where Christians know their faith, share their faith, and grow their faith.

We exist to come alongside churches and Christian groups to help them to better know their faith and to be able to effectively share it with others. While our work is primarily in training people to share their faith, we have deep convictions that the churches we are training must make disciples, not merely converts. We will provide tools and resources to churches to aid in the discipleship process while allowing them to minister to their communities. The success of Engage 360 is not the growth of Engage 360 but in the maturity and growth of the local church.

E360 Update

Here’s a ministry update from my good friend, E360 CEO Matt Schmidt.

Engage 360 Ministry Update 5.13.19

Watch Video (05:12)

Engage 360 Update

apologeticsChristianitychurchEngage 360Evangelism
Engage 360 Update

Published by gracelifethoughts

Founder & Director of GraceLife Ministries

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