Family Magazine

End of the Year Roundup

By Accidentalxpert @AccidentalXpert
Dec. 27th. No sleep. No energy. Calling the Dr.'s office trying to get this baby some meds and extremely thankful I don't have to drag him out of the house to actually been seen by a Dr. so I can get a excuse for classes myself. That was the case when he has his last strider and retractions attack Jan 24th. My second day of classes at WKU and I was already missing. I kept my head up. Finished that semester and a Summer semester with a 4.0 before I realized to continue them my kids would seriously suffer more then it was worth. (That's what I tell myself anyway) No sense in wasting time and money on a degree I may never use and unlike some, I had to pay for my classes. Nothing was free and nothing was handed to me. Just seven months of classes racked up a 8,000 dollar bill I may never get paid off.  All the events of last night took me right back to that night when I had to make the choice to go to class or stay home with my sick child. I stayed home. I was relieved that I didn't have to decode last night if I had to work or stay home, go to class or stay home. That day changed my life in more then one way. I am who I am today because of it, in ways no one else would ever understand. I am on the right path because of that that day. It took me almost a year to get here, and I wouldn't change a thing. This year has been a life changer and I loved every minute of it........well....almost.
I thought I would post links to each months biggest moments as opposed to a end of the year letter.
January 2012 was a busy month. The the 5th, Evyn turned 2. The 17th, Peyton turned 13. Classes began for me the 23rd, which was also Momma's Birthday. I got up the nerve to take all the kids to eat by myself to celebrate their birthdays. Here's what happen.
February was crazy. Reading back I see the kids had the Flu and I was tacking my first round of exams. I blogged 7 posts and most of those were songs from The Voice. I was beyond busy,but I always made time for my babies.  All I wanted was a couple days to relax. We will get to that part in March. I also sold all my little Yorkies and Maltese to have more time for everyone else. Of course that proved stupid when I quit WKU a few months later cause some were feeling they were getting the shaft.
March came and went. I turned  32 the 19th and Zac turned 6 the 26th. He also lost his first two teeth this month and I treated Danny to a weekend in the Smokys which went to hell in a hand basket real quick like. We came home a day early. The stress of classes was not pleasent by this point and I suppose I was looking to relax  after dealing with RSV the week before and Evyn's temp of 105 along with the others having the Flu. Danny was looking for.....well.......something else. I suppose he was needing some attention which he tried to get the day we came home from "a childhood friend". Sorry Dear. I couldn't let March's Memory Lane slip by without mentioning how hawt you look in yellow. Better then anyone has ever looked that I have ever seen.  Like, EVER.
April. Thunder Over The Ville
Pey shot a turkey. And we lost Aunt Fanny. And I threw Daddy a 70th Party.
May was BIG. Zac graduated Kindergarten and I met a dear friend who started our support group. Those women have became a big part of my life. Kerry doesn't know this, but she gave me to courage to quit school and know I could be more with or without a degree and save my self a divorce. By this point I realized that it was a degree or my marriage and kids. You people have no idea how hard college is with four kids and a husband who is also Bipolar. He had all he could handle with work. And I resented him for not offering to help me.
June I completed my Summer semester and our life went back to normal. Everyone was happy I had quit school and had more time to stare at them, talk to them, wipe their butt, text them, cook for them, clean for them, wash their clothes, laugh at their jokes. I'm pretty sure I done all this while attending though.  (laughing out loud about it all now)
June- HEAT HEAT HEAT and my photography picked up.  Eden spent two weeks with us and we done nothing but swim, sunburn and swim and sunburn. It was the vacation I needed after all the chit.
July. Eli turned 9. We took the kids to Guntown Mt., Peyton broke his color bone.....again, OT therapy a couple days a week for Eli and Zac and swimming all in between. July was amazing.
August school started back for the boys. Summer flew and I hated to see it end. Granny turned 90 the 6th and we pulled together a SURPRISE party for her. Before school started back the boys and I Tye dyed shirts. Always FUN!! After school started back I decided to teach myself to knit. And I did.
September...   DAUPHIN ISLAND. Nothing else matters that month, although I'm sure if I looked something major prolly happen. Now that I look........Pey made another trip to the ER. Stitches. Knife wound.
October was good month. Lots of photos. Pey shot a deer, Evyn rode in a combine, Halloween. I decided to learn to sew.......and I did.  Pey had Fall Formal and I was depressed all day. When did her get so grown up?
November was bad. The truck was down all month, which made December bad. But we pulled off Christmas by the skin of our teeth and I'm glad to see this year end. This year had it spectacular moments. That's what matters.

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