Gardening Magazine

End of Month Review - September 2020

By Ozhene @papaver

We have run swiftly past the equinox and the nights draw in ever faster. Suddenly the wind has turned cold and the nights even colder. I had to bring indoors some of the very tender plants, their summer holiday is well and truly over.

End of month review - September 2020

A sure sign that the season is on the turn is that the Hamamelis are starting to get knobbly with buds ready for Spring to start flowering.

The front garden I usually show from further away as it is the Knot Garden. There have been a few flowers self-seeding into the gravel as they always do and I always remove them but not this year.

End of month review - September 2020

These are randomly self-seeded from plants that are in the back garden (I blame bird poo or cat paws). I think I am going to let these stay and see what happens.

End of month review - September 2020

In the driveway the Pin Oak stands tall, I am now watching this tree daily waiting for it to take on its Autumn colours.

End of month review - September 2020

and the Magnolia in the front garden decries Autumn and is having a bit of a late flower. Not sure the recent frost will have pleased it much.

End of month review - September 2020

In the container garden, or should I rename it the Kitchen Garden as I can see it from the kitchen window, hmm, I do like overinflated statement names, the Christmas potatoes are coming on well and the Rose Timeless Charisma is flowering well.

End of month review - September 2020

In the Courtyard Garden the plants which are also all in containers are doing well. Say hello to the lovely tree fern, there is a story behind it which is for another day....

End of month review - September 2020

The Pelagoniums are doing well, though this will have got a little cold overnight recently so I need to bring them indoors sharpish.

End of month review - September 2020

The back garden looks late summer/autumnish. I always like this time of year in the garden, it is still pleasant out and there is some good late colour. There is still enough daylight for me to have a little evening wander when I finish work, just.

End of month review - September 2020

I wanted this photo to show you the lovely wafty aster I have growing here. It is dark leaved and has mauve flowers and it might be called Twilight. It is such a pretty thing and has established well. It is however difficult to photograph as it blends in well to the background. Oh well.

End of month review - September 2020

Whereas Aster frikartii Monch is making its presence felt at the front of the Pond Border. This is such a great aster, so garden-worthy.

End of month review - September 2020
End of month review - September 2020
End of month review - September 2020
End of month review - September 2020
End of month review - September 2020

The Mulberry Tree is still a bit of an over-long twig, but it is a taller twig than it was.

End of month review - September 2020
End of month review - September 2020
End of month review - September 2020
End of month review - September 2020

The Four Sisters are struggling a bit. The Carol Klein Acer and the Edgeworthia are doing very well.

End of month review - September 2020

The edgeworthia is getting ready to flower in Spring. The Philadelphus though it looking quite poorly and I am not sure it will get through the Winter. I am not sure why either, I shall keep my fingers crossed that it gets through.

End of month review - September 2020

I don't think I have shown the fernery for a while, it is looking ferny. I ignore it most of the time and just pull out the odd weed. I am fond of this dark dank corner of the garden, perfect for ferns.

End of month review - September 2020

The gap in the Pleached Hornbeams left by the collapsed pergola a few years ago has now almost completely joined up. I keep trimming it in the growing season and weaving the branches together.

End of month review - September 2020

I end as usual on the pond, this time partly obscured by Trev's ear. The pond is reasonably full and I have kept it much clearer of the various plants within it this year. I am pleased about this and determined to keep on top of it in future.

Stay safe and be kind.

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