Hair & Beauty Magazine

EDITOR’S DESK: News, Appearances and Other Exciting Things

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic
EDITOR’S DESK: News, appearances and other exciting things

Hi everyone. I thought I’d write a quick post on some things that is happening on the blog in the next month or so.

Mid next week, I’m taking some much-deserved time off work. I’m a full-time shift worker and I literally haven’t stopped working for almost nine months, so it’s time to take a break from working til 10pm and waking up as early as 5am.

In my downtime I’m going to catch up on some posts on the blog, bringing you new products I’ve been very fortunate to play with, as well as product reviews I’ve been meaning to post for a while.

I was also very lucky to be invited for a second year to attend the Sydney International Spa & Beauty Expo. That will be taking place on Sunday and Monday August 25th and 26th. I’m very excited about going again and seeing the other beauty bloggers and seeing workshops and exhibitors from last year.

EDITOR’S DESK: News, appearances and other exciting things

Shortly after that, REESEATOMIC.COM.AU will be turning THREE YEARS OLD! I can’t believe we’ve now passed the “terrible twos” and moving into our third year. Lots of new projects on the blog that have been in the works for months. I’m planning an epic giveaway too, so stay tuned for that.
Not only is it the blog’s birthday, but I will also be celebrating a birthday in early September. For those who know me really well, my birthday isn’t the most favorite day of the year but I do enjoy it because it’s the only time of the year where I like to do things I want to do. Or as The Man calls it, “Your Selfish Birthday”.

After the birthday celebrations have died down, there will all the buzz for IMATS which will be my FOURTH year – my third as a beauty blogger. I think it’s the weekend that the entire beauty community look forward to. I really hope to meet everyone there and see all of last year’s faces, as well as the years previous. (And for the first timers, here is my Survival Guide to IMATS).

Also during the entire month of September there is the 30 Days of Fashion and Beauty, which is hosted by Priceline and Michael Hill. There will be a million and one things to do everyday all over Australia, so make sure you get yourself down to the workshops because they’re a lot of fun.

And don’t forget Vogue’s Fashion Night Out, which will be held down at Pitt Street Mall on Thursday September 5th. I attended the last couple of years and they were they were so much fun! My sister DJ’d for Sportsgirl last year and I also got to meet the absolutely flawless Miranda Kerr.
I’m going to try my best to attend this year, but I’m not too sure if I can. If anyone does go, please let me know.

Lastly, in between all this exciting stuff… at AtomicHQ there will be some home revamping, lots of work functions and parties – farewells, a dinner ball, an EPIC Eastern Suburbs birthday party and an interstate flight, including hotel parties. So excited for September and come October – one of my FAVOURITE months of year – there will more exciting things to come.

Looking forward to it all!

EDITOR’S DESK: News, appearances and other exciting things EDITOR’S DESK: News, appearances and other exciting thingsLOVE (0) LIKE (0)


  • Project: Life Overhaul – Vol. 2
  • *NEW* THE SELF-LOVE PROJECT: “You are enough”.
  • Sydney IMATS 2012 – TAG!
  • ASK REESE: 7 facts about me

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