Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Eating Tilapia is Worse Than Eating Bacon – Dr Axe

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

Eating Tilapia is Worse Than Eating Bacon – Dr Axe

Fish is a low fat, high protein food that has a range of health benefits. However, given what we know of fish and its sources today, that’s not always true.


GR:  Like beef, chicken and pork, farmed fish raised on an unnatural diet of grain is low in healthy omega-3 fatty acids and high in unhealthy omega-6 fatty acids.  I don’t think this is worse than bacon, but farmed tilapia should be eaten rarely if at all.

There is more at stake here than human health.  Animal farms concentrate animal wastes that pollute soils and nearby streams.  In addition to nitrates, the wastes contain antibiotics and other drugs used to prevent disease and accelerate growth.  As animal farms grow to keep supplying meat to the growing human population, the environmental impact becomes massive.  So, skip the tilapia and other farmed animals. Get your protein from organically grown soybeans.

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