Food & Drink Magazine

Easy Skillet Chicken Nuggets

By Cookingfromasahm
Easy Skillet Chicken NuggetsThis is a great recipe for kids, and big kid adults alike! What makes this recipe is great is that its EASY!! Easy is good right? I made this recipe thinking of my four year old who LOVES chicken nuggets. I wanted to make a better version then frozen ones. She LOVES this recipe!!! She'll eat it all!! 
3 lbs of chicken diced3 T Butter
Dice chicken and put it in a skillet. Cook it till its done. Drain the fat and put the chicken back in the skillet. Add your butter. Cook the chicken till it browns. While its cooking you can mix up your seasonings.Seasonings:1/4 C Grated Parmesean1 Tsp Garlic Sea Salt1 Tsp Adobo Seasoning1/2 Tsp Pepper Mix this up and add it to your chicken nuggets. Cooked till more golden brown. I serve this with Rice and a fresh vegetable.Easy Skillet Chicken Nuggets

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