Debate Magazine

Drexel Law Prof. Blasts ‘outdated,’ Second Amendment

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

This man is a PROFESSOR. Our future generations are doomed with instructors like this.

The nutty professor...

The nutty professor…

Via Campus Reform: The Second Amendment is “outdated, a threat to liberty, and a suicide pact” and should be repealed immediately, according to a Drexel University law professor.

In a recent Rolling Stone op-ed, Drexel University Associate Professor of Law David S. Cohen, who is an expert in topics such as sex discrimination, abortion, and LGBT issues as well as a board member of the Women’s Law Project and Abortion Care Network, claims that he only reveres the Constitution when it is “used to further social justice” and make the country more inclusive.

 “There is absolutely nothing permanently sacrosanct about the Founders and the Constitution,” he writes. “They were deeply flawed people, it was and is a flawed document.”

molon labe

He teaches a Constitutional Law class that Drexel University’s Thomas R. Kline School of Law requires its law students to take in order to obtain their J.D.

“Just think of what would have happened in the Orlando night-club Saturday night if there had been many others armed,” Cohen says in reference to the Orlando nightclub shooting Saturday night that claimed the lives of 49 people. “The death toll could have been much higher if more people were armed.”

He goes on to assert that the Second Amendment must be repealed and that it “is wrong for this country and needs to be jettisoned.” He also calls the National Rifle Association (NRA) an “organization that is nothing more than the political wing of the country’s gun manufacturers.”

Cohen has written several other pieces for Rolling Stone as well as Slate, where in one article, he refers to the now late Justice Antonin Scalia as “our favorite arch-nemesis.”

He maintains an active Twitter account, which features a number of retweets regarding conservatives, the GOP and Donald Trump.


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