Debate Magazine

Dreams - Town Meeting - Big Brown Dog

Posted on the 21 December 2012 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN

dreams - town meeting - big brown dog

image courtesy of elle kelly blog

well, it's exactly what I asked for before going to sleep last night, "Vivid dream - feel the dream." I wrote exactly this in my Dream Diary. And, boy, did I get it.
04:47 a.m.
I can still feel the soggy grass of the miniature golf course that had been created on the back field off Elizabeth Road, Haydock, where I used to live. It was a raised green. Not well tended. Further down the fairway, beside hedges, a big brown dog was let loose by its foul-mouthed owner and bounded back and forth; jousting with me. But it didnt' bother me. I just pointed it back to its owner and off it bounded.
Then there was a meeting hall beside the road where the golf course had been constructed; through the curtain, I saw a silhouette walking his dog. For some reason, I remember getting dressed up for an occassion, in brown; it's like I'd slept there. It was still in Haydock. In the meeting room, a circle of elders; all women. I don't remember how many; more than eight. They were very pleasant faced, blissful. Each took it in turns to report local community news.
I introduced myself to the circle, "I am Mike Philbin."
Faces fell, like I shouldn't have done this. My dad (who still lives in Haydock) arrives beside me, joining the circle, puts an arm around my shoulder; hugs me tight.
"And here's Mike Philbin The First," I say, but they all already know who he is. I must have been younger than now, because he was bigger than me in the dream. Then he ran off with my daughter (also younger than she is now) playing "Ring of Rosie" with him.
Ashes, ashes, we all fall down?
SUPPLEMENTAL: I'm not a big fan of so-called spiritual activity. Don't believe there's an afterlife, or that we get visited by our recently departed family members or anything. Haven't had a phone call from the Philbin family yt. I remember, during the day yesterday, two topics of conversation i) the visitation of the deceased in human or animal form and ii) I was talking with a man about his big greyhound. I mean, I know where the material for this dream originated, well some of it, I just don't understand the context of the narrative elements like the mini golf course and the town meeting.

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