Books Magazine

Dragons of the Wold: The Chosen by Annie Kelley

By Pamelascott

Dragons of the Wold: The Chosen by Annie Kelley Toth, a Dragon of the Wold, takes on Randall as his Chosen, the result of which causes the rest of his fellow dragons to live out their practically immortal lives on the beautiful planet of Ydnar.

Ydnar had been created for sheer pleasure, and it was populated with all manner of creatures, magical and animal and human. When a dark sorcerer arises with plans to rule over the world with the help of Nyyx, a cursed black dragon, it is up to the Dragons of the Wold and their faithful followers to see that the sorcerer never achieves his goal.

A story filled with love and loss, loyalty and friendship, humour and magic, and good and evil. There is something for everyone in this fantastical book

*** [Toth braced himself and stood before The One] ***

(Self-Published, 22 February 2015, ebook, 546 pages, bought from Amazon, Popsugar 2018 Reading Challenge, a book with an ugly cover)



This is my first time reading the author.

I really didn't get on with this one at all. There are some good fantasy moments in the book. These are few and far between. The main issue I had was with the language used. I found the language very award and clunky, almost childish at times. Not in a good way. This was really off-putting and distracting. The book comes across as cheesy at times and quite irritating. There are some decent fantasy moments and some good scenes but these are spoiled by the language used to convey events.

Dragons Wold: Chosen Annie Kelley

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