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Downton Abbey Monday Recaps: Season 3 – Episode 4

By Kena @campchic

Poor, poor sweet Lady Sybil! Our beloved Sybil has died and gone to “TV” heaven. I was in tears when Tom (Sybil’s husband) cried and begged for her not to leave him. What an incredibly emotional scene. Speaking of scenes…..the dying scene was quite traumatic and intense. I mean did we really need to see her convulsing like that. I thought this was Downton Abbey not “Breaking Bad.” I knew Sybil was a goner once Dr. Clarkson and Sir Philip Tapsell started arguing about her condition. Sir Philip’s pride clouded his judgment from seeing the reality of the situation. The arguing only escalated once the family got involved. Everyone was shouting out their concerns for Sybil’s safety. I was yelling at the screen “everybody cool out”, it was too much. As awful as the death of Lady Sybil was – it wasn’t a total surprise. Julia Fellowes (DTA creator) hinted last year that a main character would be killed off in Season 3. I’m deeply saddened that it was Sybil and not her husband. It’s no secret that I’m no fan of Tom. Seeing him killed-off rather than sweet Sybil would’ve been an early birthday present.

Cousin Isobel extended the invitation of employment to Ethel, as a cook at Crawley house. Mrs. Bird currently occupies the position as head cook at Crawley house. However, Mrs. Bird didn’t fancy the idea of working alongside a “woman of the night”, so she gave her notice and left. Apparently, it’s a HUGE no-no to have a former prostitute working in a respectable household. Guilty by associate or some kind nonsense. I really don’t understand what all the fuss is about. I mean all Ethel is trying to do is get back on her feet. Can’t a woman get a second chance. Geesh……

Hey Playa! Alfred, is still trying to put the moves on Ivy. He’s not very smooth but boy is he relentless. Here’s the break down of all the love wars going on downstairs. Daisy is feeling Alfred. Alfred is feeling Ivy. Ivy is feeling Jimmy and Thomas is feeling Jimmy. Jimmy is feeling himself. It doesn’t look like any of the servants will be making a love connection, seeing how they are all in love with the wrong people. Go figure. Daisy is my favorite to watch while being under the spell of love. All that lashing out at Ivy and the shouting of orders makes Daisy a perfect candidate for a woman who could easily slip into a “fatal attraction” mindset. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Daisy boiling bunnies in episode 5.

Can anyone guess what Mrs. O’Brien is up to? Plotting and planning, folks. Plotting and planning. O’Brien is on a mission to destroy Thomas and it looks like she has found some “bait” – Jimmy. Slowly but surely she is planting the seed that something unseemly is taking place on Thomas’s behalf. I’m pretty sure Jimmy is taking the bait as he is already expressing his concerns regarding Thomas’s touchy-feely ways.

The jig is up! Vera is officially framing Mr. Bates from the grave. Thanks to Anna’s “Sherlock Holmes” tendencies, she has cracked the case against Mr. Bates. All her hard work is finally paying off. Anna must have a serious backlog of PTO. This chick is always running back and forth to London to see about her hubby’s plight. I hope Mr. Bates gets out of the slammer soon. I don’t think the other maids will continue to remain silent about Anna’s never-ending time off.

Mr. Bates and his cellmate have taken a break from their jailhouse shenanigans. Maybe they were tried of all the fighting and framing of one another. I was a bit disappointed as I look forward to the hilarious jail fight  scenes. It would’ve been a welcomed distraction after the untimely death of Lady Sybil. No worries. Based off of the previews for next week’s episode it looks like Mr. Bates and his cellmate will be up to their old fighting ways once again. Can’t wait!

Best Line: “I agree, the decision lies with the chauffeur” – Dowager Countess

To watch Season 3 – episode 4:  Click Here

Lady Sybil and Tom


Lady Cora

lady cora

Tom and Lady Cora


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