Fashion Magazine


By Stilettosanddiaperbags @Sadbblog
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Being married to a drummer comes with the perks of going to his band's shows for years now. 
We are a family that loves music, what can I say?
This past summer alone, my husband and I attended 2 days at Lollapalooza, saw Bon Jovi at  Solider Field, and enjoyed Tony Bennet at Ravina.

 Back in college, I interned for a radio station which left me setting up remote broadcastings and attending many rock shows. I was very big into seeing local and larger bands during all four years of college.

Even prior to that I was a big fan of music and attending live shows, and who could forget the period of my life when I like attending raves. 

Over the years, I've  been left with my ears ringing for hours and sometimes days after said shows. 

I've actually never even thought to wear ear plugs, but when I heard about DownBeats I knew I wanted to try them.

Here is a bit about DownBeats: 

"Extended listening not only leads to the immediate sonic hangover, but it can eventually result in long term hearing issues. Worse yet, you end up losing quality in the music because of audio fatigue.
Wear DownBeats now and avoid music-related hearing damage later. As an added bonus, you'll be able to hear the things you want to hear, like music and conversation, better than you ever knew you could."They only cost $9.99 and you get a great case that is also a key chain so you can have them on you at all times. 

I decided to put them to the test on NYE. 

This year my hubby's band Lucky Boys Confusion was playing at the House of Blues Chicago. We were also watching the Smoking Popes and Swizzle Tree so I was so glad I had these bad boys in the entire time. 
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The DownBeats catch phrase is "cut the noise, keep the sound" and it is dead on. 
My DownBeats did just that. The music sounded great and my ears (and head for that matter) felt fine after the show was over and I took them out. I was also able to talk to the people around me at the show. It was odd but pretty awesome to be able to actually hear them better then normal while the music was playing. I didn't say "I can't hear you!" or "what did you say" even once! ;)

 Here's what they looked like in:

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They are a great size and not too big. In fact not one person noticed I was wearing them. I mean other then the people i was raving about telling them they need to go buy DownBeats asap!  

Do you go to lots of live music shows?

You really DO need these in your live. 
Check back Monday for my NYE outfit and details! 

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