Culture Magazine

Dolly Review: Lottie Doll Hair Care Accessory Set

By Ashley Brooke, Kewpie83 @KewpieDoll83

As you know, we’ve been celebrating Lottie on the blog all week long.  With one more day to go, we’ve seen a lot of Lottie dolls so far! Lottie‘s have long, straight, rooted hair.  That makes it easy to put their hair in simple styles. To assist dolly owners in styling Lottie’s hair, Arklu has put together a Hair Care Accessory Set. It includes: a brush, 4 flower bands, 10 elastic bands and a cute little bag to store everything in.

Lottie Girls and Hair Care Set

Lottie Girls and Hair Care Set

Being totally honest, you don’t need this set.  You can find most of these items at your local convenient store.  However, if you’re looking for an ‘extra’ to package with a Lottie doll you’re giving a friend or family member, this is a nice add on.  The colors used in the hair bands (purple, pink and blue) are pretty and the corduroy drawstring bag can be used to carry much more than just hair accessories.  I am going to be keeping small Lottie accessories in the bag.  The hair bands themselves look like they could be used for a real child, as well as Lottie.  (I tested the hair bands, not the elastics, in my pigtails earlier today and they fit my fine, straight hair well.)

Hairstyling suggestios

Hairstyling suggestions

This doesn’t come with detailed instructions on styling, but I highly doubt you’ll need that.  The brush is nice, though I feel something smaller would have worked a little better on Lottie’s tiny head.  There’s not much more to say about this set other than this- as an add on that is packaged with a doll, this would make a nice self made ‘gift set’.

For more information on where you can find Lottie, visit their website. Stay up to date with Lottie on facebook, as well. Other official pages include YouTube, Instagram and Twitter.  Photos of this Lottie and others can be found on my Flickr.

What do you think of this Hair Care Accessory Set?  Share your thoughts below.

*This item was received for a fair and honest review.  All opinions stated are my own.

June 4, 2015. Tags: arklu, lottie, review, video review. Introductions & Reviews, Uncategorized.

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