
Does God Love Homosexuals?

Posted on the 11 January 2021 by Latoya @latoyallawrence

For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. -Romans 3:23

Does God Love Homosexuals?

Yes, God does love people who are homosexual yet he does not love, like, or approve of their same-sex lifestyle.
Within the Lord’s eyes the aspect is no different from heterosexual people who fornicate, and so on.
God loves the individual person but hates their sin.
I never cared whether someone was homosexual or not. A person’s sexual orientation did not ever influence how I treated them. So, I am definitely not judging anyone at all. I have an aunt that was a lesbian and met homosexual people who I considered equally as a human being without prejudice.

I myself am asexual (no attraction or sexual desire for men or women) and view sex in general as unnatural and undesirable, however, to God sex is supposed to be a natural intimate union between a man and a woman to reproduce and experience pleasure.

I even temporarily contemplated having a child out of wedlock years ago because I never wanted to get married. I did not want a man or a relationship I just considered having a child. It did not happen and I am glad, though. I do not want any child of mine to actually come here into this crazy world.
What someone does in their bedroom is none of my concern and has nothing to do with me. However, homosexual acts (as well as sexual acts outside of marriage) are immoral to God and do concern him gravely.
God loves us all dearly, including people who are liars, thieves, and murders. He detests the deeds and longs for those who indulge in these willful habits, desires, and mistakes to come to him for help and repent.

I have looked at certain things and circumstances in life as unfair too. Nevertheless, we are to not always lean on our own understanding.

Does God Love Homosexuals?

Our Lord is holy and cannot tolerate sin as we know, no matter how natural or normal a way of life or tendency may seem or appear to us and within our lives. If something we feel or think is right when God acknowledges it to be wrong then we cannot override his instruction.
Whatever the Lord guides and directs us to do and not to do is not to deprive or to mistreat us but to honor and protect us as one of his most prized creation.
God only wants the best for us and he ultimately knows what is best, things we are unable to see or understand. We are to trust in him.
The Lord lovingly extends his hand out to anyone trapped in the bonds of homosexuality. God wishes for no one to perish and is not harboring anger at one for their sin. He is not eager to punish and condemn. The Lord desperately wants to forgive and redeem. He endeavors to reach as many as possible with his word.

Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom. -1 Corinthians 6:9-10

Does God Love Homosexuals?

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