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Do Parents Have Favorites?

Posted on the 13 February 2013 by Real Talk @talkrealdebate2012

Siblings (Photo credit: James Dennes)

I’ve posed this question many times before and have received varying responses.  Some have actually become upset that I would insinuate that they “love” one child over the other(s).  Others have been blunt in admitting that they do.  I very much believe that parents have favorites.  I know first-hand from my own family dynamic of this truth.  My mom favors another sibling(s) more than me.

I don’t have any children of my own, but have plenty of nieces and a nephew.  I see them so much I might as well consider them my children.  I have a favorite.  (For the mere fact that I don’t want to start conflict at home I will cowardly withhold naming names).  I have a favorite cousin (they know who they are).  A favorite sibling (not sure if they realize it).  I have a favorite to practically anything.  Pizza.  Ice cream.  You name it.

It is human nature to favor one over the other.  Or at least I think so.

I think it would be wise to EMPHASIZE that I view favoritism in a different manner than others.  Just because someone or something is my favorite does not mean that I don’t like or even love the other person/thing.  When it comes to people it is more so the person I feel I am most like.  The person that gets me the best and that has similar interests to mine.

Just because I favor a sibling over another does mean that I don’t like my other siblings (I have 4 siblings).  In that case I just get better along with that sibling.  Sure, there are days my family annoys me to no end.  But it doesn’t deter the fact that they are my family.  I actually don’t think it is normal if you don’t once in a while “fight” with your siblings.

I should also EMPHASIZE that I don’t think my mother doesn’t love me.  In fact, I think she loves me terribly so (I suspect it a combination of my amazing personality (lol) and the similarities I share with my father who watches over us from heaven).   My love and appreciation for my mother is unmatched and eternal.

I should also EMPHASIZE before I get angry texts from my siblings that I love all my nieces and nephew.  Anyone who knows me knows that I’m sincere in my affection for them all.

My point is that I think everyone has a favorite.  You can love all your children and still have a favorite.

So my question to you is simple:

Do parents have favorites?


*Looking forward to what may be a heated discussion.

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Twitter: @adrakontaidis & @talkrealdebate

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