We forgot to take a lot of before photos, but here's an example of what our windows looked like before:
Before window:

All of our windows had small windowsills and no frames, other than the metal frames on the window itself. I begged Pete to add frames to the windows... his response, "I don't understand why you want that, but I'll do it because I love you."
I love you, too, Pete!
To start with, here's the supply list:

In addition to the frame itself, it will help tremendously if you also have a caulk gun to fill any gaps and a nail setter to hide nails in the wood.
Pete designed a helpful diagram that illustrates how to properly construct the window frame:

We left our existing small windowsill and built the entire frame over it. It was an easy project since we didn't have to tear anything apart; altogether it took us about three hours for each frame (cutting, sanding, nailing, gluing, painting).
Here are some pictures of our finished windows!
Bedroom OneCats-approved!

Dining RoomThe room itself is a work in progress, but the window is done!

Bedroom Two
Before and After

And if you're curious about the beautiful yellow wall color, I just painted it "Concord Buff" by Sherwin-Williams!