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DIY Tips on What to Do Before the Carpet Cleaners Arrive

By Kravelv

The next time you think about cleaning your carpets all by yourself at home, think again. Carpets can only be maintained by employing some of the best and most experienced professional cleaning services across the board. While part of the joy of hiring a professional cleaner includes having someone else to do the dirty work on your behalf, taking a few important steps can help you save time and money. Here are a few DIY tips on what to do before employing the services of carpet cleaners:

DIY Tips on What to do Before the Carpet Cleaners Arrive

Vacuum cleaning

Removing dirt from the carpet fiber prior to a cleaning can help your professional carpet cleaner to focus on the deep-cleaning aspect of the carpet. Some carpet cleaners offer this service and as a result, end up taking a long time to clean all your carpets. Before hiring a carpet cleaning firm, always ask them if they would need a vacuumed carpet. Usually, it is not needed, but if your carpet cleaner needs a clean carpet, then you have to spend a considerable amount of time cleaning your carpet beforehand. No two ways about that, really.

Remove all your valuable items

This is one thing you need to make sure of – that all the breakable items such as expensive statues, glass paintings, glass lamps etc. are removed before the cleaners arrive. However, in most cases, the cleaners end up informing the concerned customers about any such preferences, beforehand itself.

Prior dusting and cleaning is necessary

To ensure that the carpets don’t get dirty after the carpet cleaning, you need to clean the area beforehand. Cleaning the room includes the furniture as well as other items around. By doing this, you can ensure that your carpets are kept clean for a longer period of time. Also, don’t make the mistake of opening your windows and door near the balcony area, right after the cleaners have gone. Doing this will lead to all of your cleaning efforts going down the drain as the carpets will get dirty again. Even though these instructions are generally provided by the professionals, it is vital for you to know them.

Shift furniture, if necessary

Sometimes after cleaning, the carpets are still wet. Hence, it is advised that you avoid doing any dusting or cleaning while they are wet. If you have any furniture in the room that requires cleaning every day or needs to be removed before they arrive, make all the changes as early as possible. You might not get time to shift your furniture after they start the cleaning process.

Know the process

Before hiring a carpet cleaning company, you should know the entire procedure of carpet cleaning from start to finish as well as what particular equipment is required. In this regard, a quick, calculated search on the Internet will provide you with all that you need to know, with regard to the overall process as well as the aspect of carpet cleaning product. To know everything about the equipment and what do they do, you need to understand the cleaning procedure and vice versa.

Point out the areas of concern

Now, this is of the utmost importance. Make sure that you point out all the stains and dirt in front of the cleaner. This will help him to understand what exactly is the problem and which aspect he needs to focus on more. Provided you have done your homework regarding the employment of a thorough professional, you can be sure of the fact that he will give you genuine advice on how to keep your carpets clean.

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