Life Coach Magazine

Diy- Post Cards

By Sahi
   Snail mails are always special. Waiting for the postman to give a post card or an envelope having your name in it is such a pleasure. The only post that I get these days is the telephone bills. The best thing about anything handwritten is you can pick it up and have a look at it at any time you want and cherish it.
We are all now the Slaves of the E-king (Electronic King). There’s no need for that extra bit of effort. Take a photo and post in online or if you want to mail someone use the E-kings service. But the real happiness of receiving something hand made with carefully drafted words in it with the most beautiful image on the other side is just out of the world.
The other day, the idea of sending the Post cards to the fellow friends and bloggers was suggested in the Chennai Bloggers Club page. That is when I thought of making this DIY post cards out of waste materials.
.According to the Indian postal service website, “a postcard must be 14 cm × 9 cm (length and breadth). Privately manufactured post cards shall not be thinner or more flexible than an embossed post card, and will have the same size and thickness of embossed post card. “.
Print an image or make your own art or show your creativity on one side of the post card, On the other side of the card, be sure to leave the right half for the address and postage. Write your message on the left half the card.


images: sahithya


You can make a postcard out of anything. The best thing would be old invitations. Nice, textured, colourful invitations can be used for making post cards and envelops.  Don’t forget to put a stamp on it. Recycling can be done with nearly anything
Try it one weekend. Make a postcard and send it to a friend. Post Cards are a treasure of memories...
. But the real happiness of receiving something hand made with carefully drafted words in it with the most beautiful image on the other side is just out of the world.

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