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DIY Beach Tote

By Pinkwhen @pinkwhen
PictureDIY Beach ToteDIY Beach ToteWith summer now arriving, it is time to think about those beach and pool trips we all want to adventure to.  Heading out to the pool or beach means you must carry a few items with you, and you are going to need a good sized carry bag to lug all of those things in!  Today we are going to show you a quick and easy tutorial for a nice sized beach bag.  This bag can fit up to THREE large beach towels in it…plenty of room here!
Let's get started with what we are going to need to make out bag:
  • sewing machine and standard supplies (needle, thread, scissors, measuring tape)
  • 2 pieces of fabric cut at 18" by 19"
  • 2 pieces cut at 4 1/2" by 19" for straps

Let's get started!PictureChoose your Fabric you want to usePin your fabric pieces RS (right sides) together. Sew around bag sides and bottom, leaving top open.PicturePin bottom and sides and leave top openNow that the bag is sewn, keeping your bag wrong side out, open it up and place your hand in the bottom of the bag.  You want to flatten down the bag to where the corners and middle meet, which leaves you a little triangle.  This is where you are going to measure to create the width of the bottom of the bag.  I measured up 2 1/2 inches from the top and drew a line with my chalk.  I then pinned down the angle. Do this for both sides.PictureMeasure, Mark, and Pin your angles to create the bag bottom width.After you have your depth measured and your lines marked and pinned, it's time to sew the stitch to create that width.PictureSew your markOnce you have sewn this angle, you can now cut this angle off. Leave a 1/4" seam when cutting.PictureCut your angles offNow it's time to go to the top of your bag and fold down your top about an inch.  Pin, and sew.PicturePin and Sew the top down about an inch.Now it's time to grab your other two pieces of fabric and create the straps.  You want to fold the fabric for straps and place a straight stitch down the middle.PictureFold your handle fabric pieces and place a center stitch.Measure your bag and place your straps about 6 inches in on each side.  Attach your straps and sew them on to your bag.PicturePin and Sew on your strapsPictureOnce your straps are sewn on, it's time to flip your bag inside out and you are ready to go!You are done! It's time to use your new beach/pool bag/tote!PictureFInished BagWe are now ready to go!PictureDIY Beach ToteI know when I go to the beach or pool my must haves are:
  • baby wipes (to clean hands)
  • sunscreen
  • sunscreen lip balm
  • sunglasses
  • oversized towel
  • big hat
  • water
  • iPod and speaker
  • little snacks (grapes, cuties, etc.)

When you go to the beach or the pool, what do you put in your beach bag?  What are your must haves?
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