Fashion Magazine

DIY: At Home Work Space

By Shanlakes

DIY: At home Work space
Considering I spend a lot of time working from home it is important for me to create an artificial "office" scene at my desk area. Since I live in an apartment and my space is very limited, I had to make do with what the space I had. The before picture is below. There are three essentials to a conducive at home "office space". 
1. Put your desk near a window2. Put at least one inspirational saying or picture up3. Have a separate division for food/drink: That way when you finish a certain amount of work, you can take a deep breath, look out the window, and have a refresher. That way your mind will be refreshed and ready to focus on the next task. 
DIY: At home Work space
DIY: At home Work space
DIY: At home Work space
DIY: At home Work space
DIY: At home Work space
DIY: At home Work space

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