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Dissension by Kristy Centeno

By Lauriej
Dissension by Kristy Centeno
Dissension by Kristy Centeno
Dissension by Kristy CentenoDissensionA Deliverance Novel #2by Kristy CentenoGenre: New Adult Paranormal
In an age where humans dominate the world…And supernatural creatures exist in the cover of darkness…
He must find a place among his rivals or risk losing it all.Hayden has had his hands tied coping with life outside of the Institutes. He’s come far despite all the bumps along the way. 
He’s allowed himself to believe he could live a normal life…until a new threat makes its presence known.
In an instant, his entire life is flipped upside down once more. Those he cares for are not safe with or without him. There’s no escaping his past. Or permanent solution to his problems. One way or another he’ll become the target for all those looking to destroy the hybrid who endangers their way of life and challenges everything they’ve ever known.
Now he must decide between kill or be killed, and risk becoming the very monster he’s fought so hard to prove he’s not. 
Freedom has come with a price, but is he willing to pay the cost?
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Dissension by Kristy CentenoI lock eyes on Grandma’s wrinkled face, concerned over her safety. I don’t want to lose her and this asshole looks like he intends to take down whoever gets in the way of whatever it is he came here to do.“Prove me wrong, granny,” he ridicules.Grandma Rose takes aim. I swallow the lump in my throat. She’s not thinking about shooting him while he stands six inches away from me, is she?“This walking freak show! Who does he think he is, waltzing into my house in the middle of the night and threatening my grandkid like this? And making fun of my Henry too?” Grandma looks flustered enough that I experience sudden flashing images of bloody pieces of gory matter and bone splattered on the wall behind me—both his and mine.The intruder’s lips curve up slightly. “Brave. For an old gal.”“You cocky bas—”An ear-splitting roar resonates from somewhere outside, stopping the verbal exchanges between Grandma and the trespasser. The noise of breaking glass echoes throughout the house, followed by the sound of a massive body plowing across the first floor like an out-of-control semi, upturning furniture, breaking through whatever it encounters in its path.Hayden has returned and he’s pissed.

Dissension by Kristy Centeno
Dissension by Kristy CentenoDeliveranceA Deliverance Novel #1
He’s been locked away his entire life.He dreams of freedom.
The only way he can accomplish his goals is by breaking free of the chains tying him to a dark past and gloomy existence. But there’s one catch. He’s not human. And he’s never set foot outside his jail.Devoted to saving his peers as well as his own life, he sets out to find the one person that can help him achieve his objectives. He knows where she will be and what she will look like, but what he doesn’t anticipate is the fact he finds himself caring for the girl whose life he’s put at risk, more and more each day.
He has no name.He has only known hatred and violence before her.
However, she will teach him to have faith in humanity, even if she can’t trust him.Together they will embark on a journey to bring down a corrupt system responsible for the loss of many innocent lives. But when he finds his feelings compromised, can he still move on knowing that doing so will put an end to the life she once knew? How far is he willing to go to be free?
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Dissension by Kristy Centeno
Dissension by Kristy Centeno

I pull open the driver’s-side door, only to have it brusquely shut by a rather large, pale hand. Startled by the suddenness of the man’s appearance, I shift to my left and come eye to eye with a bulky-looking individual with dark brown eyes, and a scar that traces a fine line from his upper lip all the way down to his chin.“Don’t attract attention, missy.” He sneers at me.I glance down at the feel of something hard poking my ribcage and find, much to my horror, that he’s leveled a gun at my stomach. Most of the weapon is concealed by a khaki trench coat he wears.“Keep your pretty little mouth shut and all will sail smoothly,” he warns, standing rigidly beside me. He glances briefly over the roof of the truck. “Tiger. Hello there, my dear old friend. Didn’t take you long to make friends, huh?”I grow stiff. So these are the psychos that are after Tiger.

Dissension by Kristy Centeno

Dissension by Kristy Centeno

Dissension by Kristy Centeno
Dissension by Kristy Centeno
Kristy Centeno loves to spin tales of creatures that go bump in the night, with a sprinkle of romance to top them off. Her passion for writing stems from a lifelong enjoyment of reading and the pleasure derived from the magical worlds created by authors like her. She prefers her female leads strong, independent, and stubborn who will stop at nothing to save their loved ones and protect those they care for.

Kristy currently resides in Pennsylvania with her five kids and a pair of noisy parakeets. When she’s not working or writing, she juggles her free time between raising a handful of minions and pursuing other career goals.
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