Books Magazine

Disclosure! And 10% off at Waterstones Offer

By Lipsy @lipsyy

In the interest of full disclosure I wanted to let you all know about some new features/links on Lipsyy Lost & Found.

I was recently approved for the Waterstones affiliate programme, which means that I can advertise them in exchange for a small commission (4%) if anyone buys something* from them via my blog.

So What’s New? I hear you ask.
Not a lot really. On the sidebar you will see the Waterstones banner (which I think is really cute). If you click on that it will take you to the Waterstones website. Below that, is an Affiliate Window banner, which is the service that Waterstones uses to manage their affiliates. If you click on that it will take you to Affiliate Window where you can apply to advertise a whole range of companies in exchange for a small commission. I’ve found the system really easy to use so far and recommend it.

I will be posting Purchase Links for each book I feature so you can go and order it if you so wish, and I will have more offers/promos in tandem with, but other than that, my site will stay the same.

Why I applied
I feel like this is the next step for my site. I don’t think I’ll ever make much money from it, but as they say, every little helps. If any of my posts do encourage you buy a certain book I’d really love it if you’d consider using Waterstones from my site. UK postage is free, but international postage does apply.

The main reason I wanted to this though, is to show my support for Waterstones. Over the last few years we have seen so many bookshops go out of business, and Waterstones is one of the few large chains left operating UK wide. It feels good to advertise an actual bookshop – and one that I’ve used all of my consumer life – rather than say Amazon.

You can read more about Waterstones here.

10% Off

I have a vouchercode for 10% off any orders* over £25 before midnight on 25th August 2014.

Simply click on the banner below (or on the sidebar), make your selections and enter the code LE1025 at checkout.

Disclosure! And 10% off at Waterstones Offer

*Print books and stationary. Excludes Kindle, downloads and the click & collect service.
Online orders only. Full T&Cs at

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