Wedding Magazine

Destination Weddings: Thinking Outside the Box

By David @Topweddingwall

Fun, yet profound and romantic, Destination themed weddings very often brings to mind an image of white sandy beaches bathed by the lavender glow of the setting sun. However, while islands such as Hawaii, the Caribbean and Mauritius remain the favorite places for destination weddings, it does pay off to think outside the box and whisk the bridal party off to different locations. Indeed, there’s no rule which dictates that destination weddings should absolutely be held on the beach and if you want something different, don’t hesitate to look into other, more exotic places that you can book for your wedding.

Destination wedding-beach

No one can deny that the very mention of destination weddings brings to mind enticing visions of a sparkling, turquoise sea. So, if you’re planning on having a beach destination wedding, don’t hesitate to go all the way and hire the whitest, purest beach you can find. After all, this is your wedding day and you want to celebrate it as it should! Don’t forget to do everything you can to enhance your guests’ comfort: after all, they did take a break out of their own busy schedules to attend your special day so make sure to provide them with adequate refreshments and shading options from the sun, especially if you’re going to hotter places like the Caribbean.

Destination wedding- French Riviera

If you want a more elegant and refined setting next to the sea, the French Riviera might just be the perfect location for your destination wedding. After all, France is reputed for its cozy, romantic location and a wedding overlooking the French Riviera will most certainly add a great deal of charm and flair to your special day. However, couples who are looking for something a bit more rustic can even consider vineyard or lakeside weddings. These vintage-like locations usually provide acres and acres of land and enough shade to keep everybody cool and comfortable.

Destination wedding- lake

For a dreamy, fairytale-like touch, it’s recommended to throw vineyard or lakeside weddings at night, where you can illuminate the lush greenery with beautifully colored lanterns or fairy lights. If you can afford it, don’t hesitate to fly your guests to California or Utah, since these two places are often reputed for their majestic vineyards and sparkling lakes.

Destination wedding- vineyard

Couples who are quite fond of sophisticated and aristocratic settings are undoubtedly going to find their joy in a Castle-based destination weddings. These unions are rapidly growing in popularity and several castles do offer special wedding packages that include fights, catering, accommodation, decorations and live music. If you’re interested in a Castle destination wedding, bear in mind that England, France and Scotland are reputed for their stunningly romantic historical castles.

Destination wedding

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