Fashion Magazine


By Styleofsam @styleofsam
It's Friday!  Whoo Hoo!  And USUALLY that means it's time for a "From Grandma with Love" outfit.  But this week, it's been a challenge to get pictures done for my blog post.
Let's see... I've been to Dallas TWO days in a row for adoption interviews {YAY and YAY}, skyped with my best friend in China {got a tour of her new place - gotta love technology}, did a quick run through Forty Five Ten with a gal pal {a gals gotta do what a gals gotta do when she's in Dallas - 75% off this blue hat and Kelly Wearstler bangle - we are twinning}, phone stalked one of my oldest friends {hello I HAD to discuss EVERY SINGLE DETAIL of the interview}, improptu met with this friend {you'll be seeing more of Mary soon}, had our attic decked, worked a little, volunteered a bit, and did NOT get a toilet fixed {rescheduled the plumber so I could go to the second interview}!
I had the camera, remote, and tripod in the car with me everywhere.  I kept thinking... maybe after the interview, on the way back to Fort Worth, before I hit the grocery store, I could find a pretty place and take some selfies?!  Or maybe after work, before the attic guy comes and starting dinner, I could drive to the park and get some pictures?!  Yes, it's difficult to admit defeat.
Anyhow, it's really hard for me to NOT have a Friday post, so I leave you with these happy thoughts from my pinterest board.  {seriously been OBSESSED with pinterest lately}  Enjoy the weekend y'all!
DefeatDefeatimage 1 / 2Defeat

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