Outdoors Magazine

Deep Thoughts on a Chairlift

Posted on the 11 July 2013 by Kimkircher @kimkircher

Chairlifts are great places to engage in deep thoughts. Or shallow thoughts, even. I came across this video recently and had to share it. The narrator, a self-declared ski bum challenged by complicated math problems, shows here that the purpose of a chairlift is more than just uphill transportation. It’s a chance to go deep. Really deep. As evidenced by this string of thoughts, “I love skiing powder. I love powder skiing. That one powder day in ’96 when my third run down the stairs was top ten ever. Or was that ’99? I’ve spent 104 straight days, 24 hours a day riding a chairlift…that’s a pretty cool thought.”

Check it out. What are your deep chairlift thoughts?

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